Understanding & Managing Workplace (and home) Anxiety

Release your anxiety to live a better life

What you will learn

Understand anxiety and be better prepared to handle it in all situations

Explore types of workplace anxieties

Learn to recognize symptoms and warning signs

Determine ways of coping and managing

Recognize common triggers and accelerants

Learn the difference between anxiety and common nervousness

Learn how to be able to communicate with anyone, in any circumstance

Types of Anxiety

The most common types of anxiety
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Everyone will experience anxiety at some point in their lives. Anxiety is a normal reaction characterized by feelings of fear or apprehension. One of the leading places that individuals will experience anxiety or excessive stress is the workplace. While it is normal to have some fear or feel out of place at work occasionally, it can become a serious problem when the anxiety becomes unmanageable and keeps you from performing your everyday activities. Anxiety can have a negative impact on your quality of work, work performance, and affect your relationships with colleagues. Identifying your workplace anxiety and learning powerful coping strategies will help you to work with your anxiety, rather than against it.

With this Understanding & Managing Workplace Anxiety course, you will learn resources and effective skills that will help you recognize and manage anxiety in the workplace. You will feel more confident in your professional environment, as well as more prepared to overcome the challenges that the workplace may bring. All elements learned here also apply to the home environment.

The goal of this course is to give you the understanding you need to determine what you really need next as a person suffering from anxiety, or as a person who knows or works with someone who does. It is the foundation you can build on, to help you decide what could really work best for you while avoiding the waste of your resources, especially time and money, spent on things, therapy, or courses that won’t really work for you.

The objectives for this course are as follows:

1. Understand anxiety and be better prepared to handle it in all situations

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2. Explore types of workplace anxieties;

3. Learn to recognize symptoms and warning signs;

4. Determine ways of coping and managing;

5. Recognize common triggers and accelerants;

6. Learn the difference between anxiety and common nervousness.




What you will learn

Types of Anxiety

The most common types of anxiety
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Physical symptoms

Most common physical symptoms
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Anxiety Triggers

Common Anxiety Triggers
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Anxiety vs Nervousness

The key differences between anxiety and nervousness
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Recognizing Anxiety in Others

How to recognize if someone is suffering from anxiety
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Coping Strategies – Part 1

Key strategies to help you coping with anxiety
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Coping Strategies – Part 2

Additional Strategies to Help Better Coping with Anxiety
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Acknowledging the Situation

Being able to Acknowledge the current situation
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The Positive Aspects of anxiety

What can be positive about anxiety
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When to Seek Extra Help

Signs telling you it is time to seek help
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Overcoming Anxiety Through Communication (Bonus content)

Introduction to this bonus content
What is this + How it applies to You
The PeopleSmart Communication System explained
Focus, Needs, Emotions & Fears – Part 1
Focus, Needs, Emotions & Fears – Part 2
The emotions of each style
Adapting and Communicating with others
Complimentary Personality Report

An HR perspective

A perspective from an HR Strategist

Conclusion & Closing Comments

Wrapping up the course
Words of the Wise
Final Thought

Bonus X 2

Ebook version
Audiobook version