Python Programming Pro: From Novice to Ninja in Just 5 Hours

Learn how to program in python- python functions-Other Python features

What you will learn

Give your first steps in programming with Python

Be able to use python on a daily basis

Learn how Python is structured and its basic commands

Understand complex functions in python

Create your own basic programs with python


Programming can sometimes be very hard to learn especially if you have no experience in this field. But, this course has everything that you need to be able to start your programming career or improve your programming skills by learning all the basics of Python. If you :

– Need to learn this programming language for work

– simply want to learn a new skill

– Are in school and want to learn how to program in Python

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– Want to start a personal project that requires you to have programming knowledge

Then you will love this course. Not only you will have by the end of the course a very solid base of this programming language but you will also be able to create small and simple applications right after the course.

The way the course is made is really done to help you learn all the basics of this programming language. From installing your text editor to writing your first lines of code to create your small apps everything is structured to help you achieve your goal of learning how to program in Python. This course also teaches many Python functions and formulas and gives a complete understanding of those. The goal is really to help you have a complete understanding of this programming language. Indeed, the hardest part is not to learn the language but to think like a programmer and this is exactly what this course is going to teach you.

Also, this course has been built on the concept of learning by practice. In other words, in each class, you will learn the theory about every concept and then you will have a lot of practice to help you reach your full potential and give you a better understanding of the topic. This way, by practicing you will be able to write lines of code by yourself and understand the logic behind each command that you write down.





Start your Journey

How to Install Python and sublime text
Python Basics – Variable Declaration and Memory Allocation
Introduction to Built in python Data Types
Everything you need to know all about python operators
Writing Conditional Statements in python
Iterating using for loop – syntax
Iterating using While Loop- Syntax
Break, Continue, Enumerate
Str Data Type – Indexing – Slicing – Striding
Str Data Type – Built in functions
List Data Type – Indexing – Slicing – Append – Extend
List Data Type – Update and Delete Operations _list2
Tuple Data Type python-tuple
Dictionary Data Type – Storing and Accessing the data in dictionaries_Part01
Dictionary Data Type – Update and Delete Operations_02
Set Data Type – Add update delete operations Python sets
Math and Random Modules
Getting started with user Defined Functions
User Defined Functions – Parameter Passing – positional Default keyword Part 2
User Defined Functions – Variable Length Positional and keyword Part 3
Creating Modules and Packages -python-programming-modules-packages
Introduction to RE Module – Regx Mets characters python programming
Re Modules Groups Part 2
Creating List and Dictionaries using comprehension
Functinal Programming – Map Filter-Lambda
Getting Started with file operations file-operations-read
File Operations – Read Write Append
Parsing json Files using python
Parsing XML files using xmltodict