ISO 9001:2015-Quality Management System Implementation&Audit

Learn how to Implement and Audit a Quality Management System as per ISO 9001: 2015

What you will learn

A simple Step-by-Step explanation of all the requirements of ISO 9001: 2015 + Examples

Implement QMS according to ISO 9001: 2015

The 7 Quality Management Principles as per ISO 9000: 2015

Audit a Quality Management System as per ISO 9001: 2015

Plan, Conduct and Report QMS Audits


Learn How to Implement and Audit a Quality Management System as per ISO 9001: 2015!

This 3.5 hours course provides a clear, step-by-step explanation on each requirement/sub-clause of the ISO 9001: 2015 Standard.

This course offers solutions which can be used in the implementation of a quality management system, it also provides guidance on how to audit a quality management system, whether internal or external audit.

This course will help you gain a perfect understanding of ALL the requirements presented in ISO 9001: 2015, and you will be able to implement a Quality Management System or make an audit for a QMS.


This course is divided into 4 parts:

The first part acts as an introduction to the course, it provides you with definitions such, quality, quality management and ISO, and the purpose of quality management.

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The second part speaks about the 7 quality management principles, the actions proposed by ISO 9000: 2015 in order to apply those principles and the benefits of each principle.

The third part is where, in my opinion, things get serious, as it contains a very thorough and detailed explanation of all the requirements of ISO 9001: 2015 plus examples to help you better understand the requirement, it follows the structure of the standard so we will be discussing about the clauses in their order: Context of the Organization, Leadership, Planning, Support, Operation, Performance Evaluation and Improvement.

The fourth part is about management system auditing in general and it speaks about the principles and types of management system audits, concepts like audit scope and criteria, audit teams, audit objectives, non-conformity, audit plans and report.

Every key requirement of ISO 9001: 2015 is being explained : context of the organization; risks and opportunities; QMS scope; quality policy and objectives; infrastructure; competence; awareness; measuring and monitoring resources; documented information; design and development; customer communication; reviewing customer requirements; property belonging to customers or external providers; preservation; control of externally provided processes, products and services; identification and traceability; post-delivery; release of products and services; nonconforming outputs; customer satisfaction; internal audit; nonconformity and corrective action or management review.

The course DOES NOT ONLY READ THE REQUIREMENTS OF ISO 9001:2015 but it speaks about the intent of each requirement, gives examples and solutions for the implementation. It is a great tool for auditing or implementing a Quality Management System.




Definitions and General Aspects

Quality Definition
ISO 9001 Quality Objectives-S.M.A.R.T
Quality Management Definition
Quality Assurance and Quality Control
Why Do We Need Use Quality Management
ISO 9001 Definition

The 7 Quality Management Principles

The 7 Quality Management Principles: Introduction
Principle #1: Customer Focus
Principle #2: Leadership
Principle #3: Involvement of People
Principle #4: Process Approach
Principle #5: Improvement
Principle #6: Evidence-Based Decision Making
Principle #7: Relationship Management

Clauses 1, 2 & 3: Scope, Normative Reference & Terms and Definitions

The 10 Clauses of ISO 9001: 2015: Introduction
Clause1: Scope
Clauses 2 & 3 Normative Reference & Terms and Definitions

Clause 4: Context of The Organization

4.1. Understanding the Organization and Its Context
4.2. Understanding the Needs and Expectations of Interested Parties
4.3. Determining the Scope of the QMS
4.4. Quality Management System and its Processes

Clause 5: Leadership

5.1. Leadership and Commitment
5.2. Policy
5.3. Organizational Roles, Responsibilities and Authorities

Clause 6: Planning

6.1. Actions to Address Risks and Opportunities
6.2. Quality Objectives and Planning to Achieve Them
6.3. Planning of Changes

Clause 7: Support

7.1.1. Resources: General
7.1.2. Resources: People
7.1.3. Resources: Infrastructure
7.1.4. Resources: Environment for the Operation of Processes
7.1.5. Resources: Monitoring and Measuring Resources
7.1.6. Resources: Organizational Knowledge
7.2. Competence
7.3. Awareness
7.4. Communication
7.5. Documented Information

Clause 8: Operation

8.1. Operational Planning and Control
8.2.1. Requirements for Products and Services: Customer Communication
8.2.2. Determining the Requirements Related to Products and Services
8.2.3. Review of Requirements Related to Products and Services
8.2.4. Changes to Requirements for Products and Services
8.3.1 Design and Development of Products and Services: General
8.3.2. Design and Development Planning
8.3.3. Design and Development Inputs
8.3.4. Design and Development Controls
8.3.5. Design and Development Outputs
8.3.6. Design and Development Changes
8.4.1. Control of Externally Provided Processes, Products, and Services: General
8.4.2. Type of Extent Control
8.4.3. Information for External Providers
8.5.1. Control of Production and Service Provision
8.5.2. Identification and Traceability
8.5.3. Property Belonging to Customers or External Providers
8.5.4. Preservation
8.5.5. Post-delivery Activities
8.5.6. Control of Changes
8.6. Release of Products and Services
8.7. Control of Nonconforming Outputs

Clause 9: Performance Evaluation

9.1.1. Monitoring, Measurement, Analysis and Evaluation: General
9.1.2. Customer Satisfaction
9.1.3. Analysis and Evaluation
9.2. Internal Audits
9.3.1. Management Review: General
9.3.2. Management Review Inputs
9.3.3. Management Review Outputs

Clause 10: Improvement

10.1. Improvement: General
10.2. Nonconformity and Corrective Action
10.3. Continual Improvement

Management System Auditing

Management System Auditing: General
Types of Audits
Defining Audit Objectives, Scope and Criteria
Auditors and Audit Team
Audit Planning and Audit Execution
Generating Audit Findings and Closing Meeting
Audit Report and Follow-up Activities


ISO 9001:2015-Quality Management System Implementation&Audit: Quiz