ISO 22301: Business Continuity Management Certification

Learn ISO 22301 from scratch to continually improve your management system and prevent disruptive incidents

What you will learn

Definition of business continuity management (BCM) and outlines its distinctive characteristics.

Learn the principles and functions of BCM in the corporate setting.

What a management system is and highlights the different levels of application.

Deep dive into ISO 22301 – Business Continuity Management System (BCMS) and its fundamental roles.

Learn the concepts of the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) paradigm and how the four phases operate in the BCMS.

Discover the three components of organizational context analysis and describes their key activities.

Learn what an organizational BCMS scoping is and how to undertake a scoping activity.

Master generic business continuity oversight structure to support the policy development framework.

Practice the process of developing business continuity objectives.

Get a sample list of objectives and their attributes of measurement.

Learn resource allocation in the context of the BCMS.

Performance appraisal of BCM staff and examines the key approaches to evaluate staff competence.

Principles of communication during an incident and how to develop internal and external communication protocols.

Understand the key characteristics and concepts of a risk assessment and its key approaches.

Find the different levels of validating the organization’s business continuity capability


This course is a complete step-by-step guide to Business continuity management (BCM).  BCM continues to grow in terms of the importance and value to organizational activities. It is particularly aimed at equipping business continuity practitioners with the knowledge, skills and ammunition to position BCM into a value-added activity of strategic importance within their organizations. By the end of this course you will have an advanced understanding of the BCM key components such as: Context of the Organization, Leadership, Planning, Support, Operation.

Security and resilience – Business continuity management systems – Requirements, is a management system standard published by International Organization for Standardization that specifies requirements to plan, establish, implement, operate, monitor, review, maintain and continually improve a documented management system to protect against, reduce the likelihood of occurrence, prepare for, respond to, and recover from disruptive incidents when they arise. It is intended to be applicable to all organizations, or parts thereof, regardless of type, size and nature of the organization.

This course is  based on ISO 22301. It includes 8 sections:

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Section 1 provides the readers the perspective of business continuity in the corporate setting. It presents an overview of the BCM lifecycle, which allows seasoned practitioners to revisit the key processes and introduces new entrants to the subject.

Section 2 concentrates on the principles of the BCMS and its underlying approach – Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA). The section offers a review into the essential components of the BCMS. This would be particularly useful for organizations that are seeking to develop a systemic and effective BCM.

Sections 3 to 8 encapsulate the seven main clauses of ISO 22301, namely, Context of the Organization, Leadership, Planning, Support, Operation. they collectively form the all-encompassing approach of planning, implementing, managing and continually improving the BCMS.





Fundaments of Business Continuity Management

What is Business Continuity Management
The Principles of Business Continuity Management
Application of Business Continuity Management in Corporate Setting
Business Continuity Management Lifecycle
Organizational Business Analysis
Strategy Selection and Development
Incident Management Structure and Plans Development
Exercise, Maintenance and Review

Business Continuity Management System

What is a Management System
Levels of Application
Key Components of Business Continuity Management System
Plan-Do-Check-Act Paragram
Business Continuity Management System Lifecycle

Context of the Organization

Organizational Context Analysis
Threat and Resilience Assessment
Organizational BCMS Scoping
Identify Organizational Functions and Processes


Business Continuity Champion
Business Continuity Policy
Business Continuity Policy Content


Process Centric Approach
Business Continuity Objectives
BCMS Project Management
BCMS Tasks


Skills of BCM Professionals
Business Continuity Awareness and training Programme
Develop Awareness and Training Materials
Principles of Communication


Characteristics of Business Impact Analysis
Methods of Information Collection
Information Analysis
Characteristics of Risk Assesment
Strategy Selection and Development
Establish Business Continuity Capability

Performance Evaluation

Approaches to Performance Evaluation
Gap Analysis
Management Review