Introduction To Swing Trading With Options

Introduction To Creating Cash Flow Using Swing Trading Options

What you will learn

How To Open A Paper Trading Account

The Risks Of Trading Options

How to Use Technical Analysis to Read A Stock Chart

What In-The-Money, At-The-Money and Out-Of-The-Money Means

What a Short Call and What a Short Put Are

What a Long Call and What a Long Put Are

What an Expiration Date Is, and Why It Matters

How To Determine The Market Trend/ Posture

Learn To Read An Options Chain

What is Intrinsic and Extrinsic Value for an Options Contract

How To Use a Stop-Loss

How to Buy a Call, With Example

How to Buy a Put, With Example

How to Sell a Call, With Example

How to Sell a Put, With Example

How To Calculate Potential Profit For Your Options Trade


Most of my life I spent as a Chef – working hard every day to feed myself and others. The money was not great – but it was a stable job.

My life changed once I started to trade options. It took me years to learn a set of rules and develop my โ€œedgeโ€.

I am very proud to say that I am now a %100 full time professional trader.

How did it happen?

It took a lot of work, practise and money (lost).

I have complied a set of courses to help anyone who hopes to follow in the path of professional trader.

Please be advised; trading is hard! Anyone who says it isnโ€™t, probably isnโ€™t a very good trader (or has not seen many drawdowns/ market corrections).

You will not become a successful trader over night.

But, you WILL become one, as long as you stick to it.

My courses cannot give you everything you need to be successful in the market; as experience cannot be taught.

Subscribe to latest coupons on our Telegram channel.

The journey is long and twisted, and constantly evolving.

Even now, as a professional, I continue to take courses and upgrade my knowledge. I continue to read literature on the stock market and options trading.

Trading is a lifelong passion (it is my absolute favourite thing to do).

It is my sincere hope these courses will guide you in the right direction.

Best wishes and happy trading!

This course is designed to give the student a well rounded introduction to swing trading using options.

Many people make over 6 figures per year, and some much more, using the strategies outlined outlined in my courses.

This course is a pre-requisite to: Swing Trading Options: Master Cash-Flow

Learn all the necessary fundamental basics needed to master swing trading with options. Using a paper trading account, the student will be able to master this new skill and eventually apply it to real life and real life profit.



Introduction To Options

Legal Disclaimer
Stock vs. Options
What is an Options Contract?
What is an Expiration Date?
Risks of Trading Options
How to Open a Paper Trading Account
Quiz #1

Introduction To Options Strategies

Main Strategies
Buying a Call (Long Call)
Buying a Put (Long Put)
Selling a Call (Short Call/ Naked Call/ Unsecured Call)
Selling a Put (Short Put/ Naked Put / Cash Secured Put)
Quiz #2

Technical Analysis for Options Trading

Determining The Trend
Determining Support And Resistance
Determining A Stop-Loss
Exploring the Options Chain
Quiz #3

Introduction To Trading Options – Applied

Buying a Call/ Long Call Example
Buying a Put/ Long Put Example
Selling a Call Example
Selling a Put Example
Determining Profitability