How to create CTF server

Creating a Linux Privilege Escalation CTF for TryHackMe room or VulnHub

What you will learn

Installing ubuntu server to VM

Configuring a server

Learn about TryHackMe

Creating a CTF

Implementing and patching CMS

Configuring ports redirecting to websites

Adding configuration files

Implementing escalating methodologies


I am a university student and I had an assignment on creating a CTF in TryHackMe. As I went along with my colleagues, I got to know that they had no idea about building a CTF, or what is a CTF. Most of them had zero knowledge of Linux either. My friends and I searched for the content all over and got nothing. Before going through the course, I like to remind you that building a CTF is pretty easy if you know what you are doing.

So I created this course for students who are beginners in IT and know nothing about building a CTF plus for those interested in creating a CTF room for fun or as an assignment of the University. Students of this course will get knowledge on

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  • Configuring ports
  • Error handling
  • Using CMSs in a server
  • Managing databases by adding a user and granting the user the permissions
  • Patching CMSs
  • Escalation methods
  • Configuring the server to keep a hole for the user to gain root access
  • An intro on TryHackMe Lastly,  some methods of gaining things resources for free will be taught.

It’s better if you know the very basic commands on Linux before attending the course just to understand what I am doing, but even then I will be explaining each command while I am going through the lectures.

Hope you will stay with me till the end. Thank you and good luck with the project.





Installing server to VM

Installing server to Virtual Box
Installing SSH & Apache2
Configuring ufw firewall
Connecting to server with SSH with Linux

Modifying the Server

Adding a user
Adding a password to root
Deleting old user
Changing Hostname
Creating flags

Installing Drupal 7.54 CMS

Installing PHP + extensions to the server
Installing MySQL Packages
Downloading Drupal 7.54
Configuring Database
Configuring Port and Ownership
Installing Drupal and Adding Patches
How to use Drupalgeddon to Hack into the Server


Storing User’s Password
Setting up Privilege Escalation
Wrapping up

Exploiting and Cracking the CTF

Exploiting the server


Exporting & Uploading to TryHackMe
Walkthrough on Creating a TryHackMe Room