28 Digital Marketing Courses In 1. Online Marketing For 2023

Online marketing is the future. Learn digital marketing basics like SEO & social media for 2023

What you will learn

Online marketing updated for 2023

28 marketing courses packed into 1 super-course

Save money by not buying multiple courses

Pick what you want to learn and go at your own pace

Social media, video, YouTube, SEO, and more

20+ hours of marketing tutorials


Learn any marketing skill in this digital marketing masterclass – now with 21+ hours of marketing content! Plus, I improve the course regularly with the most current digital marketing strategies.


  • Facebook marketing to drive engagement and sales.
  • Facebook groups to create a community, build an audience, and drive sales and branding.
  • Facebook pages to run Facebook ads.
  • Facebook ads to drive sales.
  • Going viral for traffic.
  • LinkedIn marketing and personal branding.
  • Marketing history and fundamentals.
  • Leading thinking in marketing.
  • Twitter marketing for traffic, branding, and sales.
  • SEO (search engine optimization) introduction for traffic and sales.
  • SEO software, tools, and analytics.
  • Google Ads to drive sales and strong sales leads.
  • Marketplace algorithm marketing for traffic, branding, and sales.
  • Influencer marketing – for sales and branding.
  • YouTube channel planning for brand growth and sales.
  • YouTube marketing for traffic and sales.
  • Video production to create better marketing videos.
  • YouTube Ads to drive sales.
  • Podcast setup and marketing for traffic and branding.
  • Marketing case studies to give you examples of other marketers.
  • Domain names for branding.
  • Offline marketing for branding and sales.
  • TikTok marketing for traffic and branding
  • Social media marketing calendar for more organization and marketing automation.
  • Online reputation management for branding.
  • Website sales copywriting to increase sales.
  • Publicity for marketing and branding.
  • Press releases for branding, SEO, and sales.
  • Online review management for branding and authority.


While you encourage to take the course chronologically because I designed the sections to follow each other in a logical manner, you can skip to any digital marketing skill you want to learn, and quickly gain the skills you need.

You can skip around between topics that might help you in your business. So browse the list of sections, and choose what might be most helpful for you.

You can also give yourself the goal of learning and applying one digital marketing strategy per week or per month. This way, you will learn by doing, which is a great way to learn and retain the information in a way that pertains to your situation.


The best way to learn digital marketing is by directly applying what you learn in practice. The course is made to be practical, and walks you through everything step-by-step so you can follow along, and apply the digital marketing skills you are learning. As soon as you gain new skills, try them out!


Not every digital marketing tactic works immediately, but it’s good to try them to see if you encounter challenges or problems with the unique item you are promoting. As soon as you encounter unique challenges, you’ll do real-world problem-solving with your marketing, which will help you enhance the learning you do in this course.


If you are a business owner, entrepreneur, creative person, or someone who is dreaming of starting your own business so you can leave the 9-5 job and become more independent, marketing is your ticket to success. With marketing, you can get your own clients, generate your own revenue, and reach financial independence without having to rely on anyone else.

If you learn marketing, you will be able to give life to any project you work on now and in the future.

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It’s something I did for myself earlier in my career. I started as an engineer. But I always had a hard time understanding marketing and business, so my projects usually failed. To fix that, I took the time to learn different marketing strategies and after that, my projects began succeeding.

That’s why I made this course, and that’s why this course has so many marketing strategies you can learn too.


Just like you, I didn’t have a formal education in marketing. I had to learn it all on my own, but digital marketing is the great equalizer because there are no gatekeepers keeping you out. When I realized that, my mindset about digital marketing changed, and my shyness turned into passion because I saw how digital marketing could be the key to all my future success.

With digital marketing, everything you need is your brain and your hands. That gives you the level playing field to give yourself a chance.

After adapting the mindset that digital marketing is the great equalizer, and my ticket to success, I dove head-first into digital marketing and never looked back. I’ve been using it to promote everything I do for the last 15 years with tremendous success, and I never had to look outside myself for help or for answers. Everything you need to succeed in digital marketing is already within you.


Mastering digital marketing does have a significant learning curve, and there are many things to learn. I recommend that you start as soon as possible because digital marketing is quite a journey. There is no person for whom every digital marketing strategy works from the first time. There is usually significant trial and error, and much of it takes time to implement and observe results.

I recommend finding urgency as your mindset, and begin learning sooner rather than later.


The course comes with an unconditional, Udemy-backed, 30-day money-back guarantee. This is not just a guarantee, it’s my personal promise to you that I will go out of my way to help you succeed just like I’ve done for thousands of my other students.  

Invest in your future. Enroll now.



Introduction to marketing course introduction

Introduction to this mega marketing course and how to take it

Courses 1: Introduction to Facebook marketing

Introduction to Facebook marketing section
Promoting your business on Facebook groups vs. pages vs. your profile
How the Facebook algorithm works
How to make engagement beget more engagement
Easiest Facebook marketing: From your own personal page

Course 2: Selling from Facebook groups

What kind of groups you can sell from locally
How to find existing global groups where you can sell to large audiences
Starting to use local Facebook groups
Joining a BUY/SELL group
How to post products for sale
Results of my own posting – case study
Where to get lots of free good images you can use

Course 3: Facebook page

Facebook page section introduction
Beginning to set up your Facebook page
Page banner size
Setting the brand image
Facebook page “About” section
Creating a store on your Facebook page

Course 4: Facebook ads and retargeting

Introduction to running basic and retargeting ads
About the examples in the following videos about Facebook ads
What is the Facebook Business Manager and why you should use it
Setting up 2-factor authentication for security – now required by Facebook
Adding a page to our Facebook Business Manager account
Creating an ad account in Facebook Business Manager
Page permissions and details
Ad goals and a few strategies
Difference of campaigns, ad sets, and ads. Plus, introduction to experimenting
Organizing my music page ads to build a fan base and grow
How to choose the campaign type
How to add a catalog of products to your Facebook page
Publishing your store on your Facebook page
How to create a custom conversion event and a tracking pixel
Showing how I created one campaign with multiple ad sets
Narrowing your Facebook ad targeting
Budgets for your ads
Running an ad directly to your product catalog
Dangerous ad targeting pitfall with a real example

Course 5: Virality

Introducing virality and the viral coefficient formula
Viral coefficient calculator
Ads having a role in virality
How to get business referrals
The net promoter score
Canva introduction
How to create your infographic so you can make more attractive posts

Course 6: LinkedIn

LinkedIn as your reputation management on online resume
Professionally branding your 2 LinkedIn images
Managing your website listing on your contacts details
Updating your byline to promote your business or brand you
How to create a nice summary for your LinkedIn profile
LinkedIn endorsements and recommendations
Fast way to get recommendations
Experience, publications, and other important sections of your LinkedIn profile
Five hundred contacts and managing your connection requests
Company page for branding and SEO citation
Participating in LinkedIn groups
Your LinkedIn feed

Course 7: Marketing history, evolution, and fundamentals

History and economic roots of marketing
What is a unique value proposition, and how it helps you sell
Unique value proposition examples
How to identify your target market
Example of identifying your target customer demographics and psychographics
Exercise: Find and talk to your customers
Leveraging large platforms

Course 7 continued: Leading thinkers in marketing and their ideas

Steve Blank and the Customer Development methodology
Eric Ries: Three engines of growth
Seth Godin and the Purple Cow

Course 8: Twitter marketing

Introduction to the Twitter marketing section
How your Twitter page and account branding should look like
What to do on Twitter on day 1
Tweet formula: How much and what types of content to tweet
Introduction to Twitter hashtags
Best tweet length
Best time of week and day to tweet
Introduction to how to structure your tweets
Advanced – get more sharing by adding sharables and tweetables

Course 9: SEO Introduction

Introduction to SEO (search engine optimization)
Introduction to keyword research with the Google Keyword Tool
Getting Yoast and SEO keyword and title meta tags
SEO for new websites with citations
NEW! Top SEO ranking factors from top experts
SEO definitions for beginners
NEW! How to know which SEO links are good

Course 10: SEO tools and software analytics

Setting up your Webmaster Tools for SEO
Where your pages are ranking and page/query performance in SEO
Troubleshooting crawling errors
Creating your sitemap.xml
Submitting new URLs and checking for page status and indexing
How to set up Google analytics for your website
Walkthrough of how I use Google Analytics
Google Core Web Vitals for SEO
AB testing introduction: How to improve conversion rates with AB testing
AB testing example
Automatically translate your site, rank in more languages & get more SEO traffic
Revive Old Posts plugin for social sharing, scheduling & SEO boost
Domain authority and a free tool for researching competition for organic SEO

Course 11: Google ads, pixel, and retargeting

Setting up a fresh Google Ads account
Explaining ad campaigns, ad sets, and individual ads
Entering Google Ads expert mode
Point about accelerated bidding option
Introducing Google Ads bidding options
How to create an ad from your Google Ads (AdWords) interface
Setting up a local ad from Google My Business dashboard
Where ads show up and when
Setting up the Google Pixel
Creating a retargeting campaign based on your custom audience
Connecting Google Ads to Google Analytics

Course 12: Marketplace marketing and algorithms of Amazon and other big sites

Smart non-Google SEO. No, this IS NOT about Yahoo or Bing
Powerful SEO strategy that almost no one talks about
SEO thumbnail and logo secret with case study
Recommending your own products to get them recommended – beyond just SEO
6-figure client recommendation algorithm case study – beyond just SEO
Recommending other products alongside yours promoted next to them – beyond SEO
How to increase these “signals” – beyond just SEO
How to work up to getting all the great reviews and engagement – beyond just SEO

Course 13: Influencer marketing

Benefits of influencers over ads
3 things to look for in an influencer & how to find fake ones & which are good
How to manually find influencers
Influencer marketing tip using Twitter lists
Email template and script to pitch influencers
Legal agreement document, disclosures, and FTC to stop influencer abuse
Example of disclosing influencer marketing promotion
Influencer audience sizes
Influencer compensation models
Compensation calculator for influencer marketing
Socialblade for tracking influencer growth
Popular Pays
Industry news from a major brand reacting to fake followers

Course 14: Come up with a great YouTube show or Podcast concept

Section introduction
What will be your goals for the show?
Which topics should you discuss? New vs. evergreen content
Example of a newsy and evergreen topic
Should it be daily, weekly or monthly?
You as solo host? Or with guests?

Course 15: YouTube marketing

YouTube marketing section introduction
How a professional marketer would approach promoting a YouTube video
YouTube SEO introduction
YouTube SEO Keyword Research
YouTube On-Page SEO
How to make videos rank on YouTube
Introducing the YouTube recommendation algorithm
Strategy for getting views from the YouTube recommendation algorithm
Overview of my YouTube channel to give you ideas for how you can grow on YouTube

Course 16: Video production

Part of YouTube marketing is to improve your YouTube videos – let’s do that
Mistakes I made early in my video production journey
Should you prescript? What kind of preparation? Teleprompter?
Five video format options for recording to appear on or off camera
Talking head video production
Screencast video production
Picture in picture video production
Best video format for presenting or teaching
Getting rid of sound echo with studio foam
My favorite microphone that I use and recommend
Lighting and shadows
Improving lighting, background and shadows with better equipment
Five camera options to film your video
How long should videos be
Body language section introduction
Clothing and appearance

Course 17: YouTube ads

Section introduction for boosting your YouTube views with YouTube ads
Understand the different YouTube ad formats
Setting ad budget
YouTube ad bidding strategies
Location and language setting
Difference between campaign, ad group, and ads
Stealing competitor views with placements
Setting the ad URL and call to action
Demographic ad targeting
Keyword targeting
Setting target audiences
Interest and topic targeting
Case study of running ads to get subscribers

Course 18: Podcast setup and marketing

Podcast hosting
Signing up for Libsyn
Before setting up your podcast on iTunes
How to use audio compression to minimize hosting costs
Marketing for a podcast
Last step to adding your podcast to iTunes

Course 19: Marketing case studies

My case study
ComeHike case study
HakkaLabs case study
Adam Lippin and Cuddlist
Your case study
See how I evaluate what role social media will play in different projects

Course 20: Finding a domain name and website setup

What technology to use to create your website and should you do it yourself?
How to choose a good domain name
How to find cool and catchy “startupy” domain names
Example of cool modern domains and business names from AngelList
Domainr for getting domain name ideas
How to make money selling domains & creating websites to sell for big profits

Course 21: Offline marketing strategies

Offline marketing section introduction
How to do business card marketing and business networking
Your 30 second pitch
Selling in brick and mortar stores
Flier marketing
Creating your own promotional merchandise that also sells on Amazon and Etsy

Course 22: TikTok for beginners

First thing after you create a TikTok account
Importing your friends to build up an initial audience
How to use the community and resources of this course to get promoted on TikTok
What to expect when you are just starting out
Using TikTok hashtags
Example how I find many good hashtags and use them
Results of posting 24 hours later – 200 views!
Networking, commenting, liking
Joining TikTok challenges and trending hashtags
Influencer marketing for Fiverr what when it is too early
Cross-pollinating followers

Course 23: Social media marketing calendar

Section introduction – creating a social media marketing calendar and beyond
Branding vs. sales, long-term vs. short-term
Overview of potential goals and strategies
Social media marketing calendar
Giving each day a pre-planned theme
Once you have a calendar, steps to ease into outsourcing & prerequisites
Automation vs. outsourcing vs. being present vs. all of the above
How long each type of posting takes

Course 24: Online reputation management

LinkedIn for personal branding
Using Twitter for personal branding
How to get featured and interviewed and have that rank in Google for your name
Benefits of paying for publicity for personal branding
Your personal website or an about-us page
AboutMe as your online resume for personal branding
YouTube videos for reputation management
Amazon author page to help your personal branding
Yelp and creating a local business component for your business
Making your images rank in Google
Removing bad pages with negative things to say about you

Course 25: Website sales conversion and sales copywriting

Title theoretical overview
Examples of improving the headline for a website
Four product title examples walk-through to grab attention and boost sales
Effective subtitle that reinforces the sales message
Subtitle examples
More subtitle examples
Comparing our work to existing titles/subtitles & your exercise
Product descriptions that work by triggering the right buyer emotions
Product descriptions examples
Why are they not buying? T-shirt example

Course 26: Publicity

How publicity can help you establish yourself as an expert in your domain
10 ways to make your business immediately more newsworthy
Example of a plumber who got publicity by being unique
REVERSE PUBLICITY METHOD: Can be used on day 1 & get influencers to promote you
How to use your blog to get publicity and position yourself as an authority
How to get noteworthy guests on your show
How publicity will help your SEO and to get your site to rank in Google
How to use publicity stunts to get publicity
Hashtags to get publicity

Course 27: Press releases

What are press releases for?
Starting to write the press release with the title
Additional press release headline examples
Subtitle for your press release
Writing the press release as a story and to add keywords
Finishing the press release with bio and contact sections
Another press release example
If journalists copy and paste your press release, how will it impact your SEO?
Submitting the press release

Course 28: Online review management

Section introduction
Seven principles of review mastery
Importance of reviews on Amazon
Amazon – inside your book
Reviews for physical, shipped products
Getting reviews with your product listing page
Reaching out to people to leave bad reviews
Replying to reviews on Amazon
Fiverr and UpWork pattern
Yelp and Google My Business for local businesses

Online marketing course conclusion

We are nearing the end of the course
Course certificate: How to get it if you need it
Bonus lecture: Next steps