What is Yoga Therapy, Who is a Yoga Therapist, Where Does Yoga Therapy Fit in Health Care?
What you will learn
What yoga therapy is & is not
What can yoga therapy help with?
Who should do yoga therapy?
Who is a Yoga Therapist- what is their education?
I often get questions about the profession of Yoga Therapy so I created a course to provide some information about this emerging field within the world of Yoga.
How is this different from being a Yoga Teacher?
How much Education is Involved in becoming a Yoga Therapist?
How to become Certified through the International Association of Yoga Therapists
How Yoga Therapy Fits into Healthcare & Fills a big need in the modern world
What happens in a Yoga Therapy Session?
There are currently almost 6,000 Certified Yoga Therapists around the world working in a variety of specializations. Yoga Therapy is the professional application of the techniques of yoga to bring about wellness, healing, or self-development. Yoga Therapists are specially trained in working with individuals 1:1 or in specialized small group settings to meet their specific needs. Many yoga therapists are in private practice, while others are working in hospitals, doctor offices, and wellness centers. Other Yoga Therapists work in education, teaching other healthcare professionals how to integrate the tools of yoga into their own profession for better patient outcomes & a more holistic approach to healing.
There is a growing need for Yoga Therapists to address the areas that modern healthcare is lacking. This includes the application of lifestyle changes, preventative wellness, adopting healthy habits, stress management, self-regulation, self-understanding, and creating custom yoga practices that address health concerns.
If you would like to learn how Yoga Therapy is bridging the gap between Healthcare & Wellness…Join me for this Free Course!
Yoga Therapy: A Profession & a Practice
What is Yoga Therapy- The Overall Picture
What does Yoga Therapy Look Like?