Write Html & Css 5 Times Faster With Vs Code & Emmet 2023

Learn To Write Code Faster Using Visual Studio Code And Emmet + Extensions + Visual studio Code Shortcuts in 2023

What you will learn

Write code faster to be more productive.

From beginning to advanced concepts in vs code and emmet

Explore the UI of VSCode

Download ,Install and configure VS Code For Coding

Get familiar with Vs code User interface

how to work with HTML and CSS inside your Visual studio code

All about Vs code integrated terminal/Panel

How to work in multiple files side by side

Get the most out of the Editor area in Visual studio code

create your own keyboard shortcut

All Helpfull shortcuts for vs code

Shortcuts for file management , searching and replacing , opening/closing windows and editors.

Download and Install Themes and pluggins

Use Command pallete for settings , themes and instructions

Navigating betweens files and inside files really quickly


Hi, Guys Welcome To This Course,

In THis Couse, You are going to learn the vs code with the emmet extension to Code 2 To 5 Or even 10 Times Faster,

At The Starting Section of the Course, I will help you Master the fundamental features of Visual Studio Code. I Will Also Show you how you can Customize Visual Studio Code By Changing themes and Changing the Sidebars and topbars, You will learn different tips to optimize your productivity. You will learn how to write code quickly and navigate to different files faster than ever!

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This Course Is Going to be The Beginner To advance Course so you don’t have to worry if you are a complete beginner or new to code.

After You Finish The Vs Code Section Then We Will Move On To The Emmet Section And That’s Where The Real Magic Happens, I Will Teach You How You Can Write 40,60, Or Even 100 Lines OF Html Code Just With The Help of 3 Lines Of Code Or Less,

After You Finish The First Section OF Emmet, You Will Be Amazed By The Emmet And Then I Will Show You Some Of The Emmet Snippets And Provide You With The Resources Where You Can Learn More Things About Emmet And Vs Code.




0.1 Introduction and download vs code

1 – Vs Code – A Brief Overview

1.1 Brief Introduction to Vs code part 1
1.2 Brief Introduction to Vs code part 2
1.3 Brief Introduction to Vs code part 3

2 Master Vs Code To Code Faster

2.1 Vs Code General Shortcuts to Make Life Easier
2.2 Editing code faster than ever
2.3 Navigating quickly in vs code

3 Master Emmet Syntax & Fundamentals

2.1 Child Syntax explained with examples
2.2 Siblings Syntax explained with examples
2.3 Climb-up explained with examples
2.4 Grouping explained with examples
2.5 Multiplication explained with examples
2.6 id , class and custom attributes
2.7 Putting text inside the Elements
2.8 Item numbering explained with example
2.9 Implicit tag names
2.10 Using all the concepts to generate html Faster

4 Write HTML and CSS Faster with snippets

4.1 Emmet Html Snippets part 1
4.2 Emmet Html Snippets part 2
4.3 Emmet Html Snippets part 3
3.4 Write Css Faster