How to make WordPress or any website site run fast using page speed optimization
What you will learn
How to make WordPress fast
Making WordPress load super fast to retail clients
WordPress Page Speed
How to speed up WordPress sites
Website Page Speed 2023 – Get any website to load in 2 secs or less including WordPress sites.
Website site speed should be your #1 SEO focus for 2023 and beyond. Learn all the basics and more right here in this course. Your tutor David Anttony works every day still on client sites fixing speed issues and consulting with clients to maximise web speed. He brings his vast experience into play in this online training course so you can get to the top and stay there.
Get your webpages to load in 2 seconds or less
This Page Speed Optimization Course will help you get your web pages on any website [ including WordPress ] loading in less than 2 seconds.
~ Ok, I am the first to admit it – it’s a lot of work to get the pages on your website to load in less than 2 seconds.
I get it – I sure do!
BUT — and the BUT is BIG – if you spend thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours building a website that Google will not rank – ever – then why bother!
And if your potential clients land on your site and it takes too long to load – POOF they are gone faster than a drunk Genie!
And these days – with Google placing page speed as a top-ranking metric – if your pages load too slow, they will not allow you to run Adwords on them and ask you to speed them up!
So even if you are not bothered about SEO and you prefer Adwords you can be ‘hit in the head’ by Google refusing to run your ads!
This is the harsh reality these days. The days of slap-and-dash online marketing are GONE!
When I started in Internet Marketing and SEO over 14 years ago we could spoof Google into ranking our client sites at the top. Those days are gone!
From here on if you’re not 120% focused you will not win the internet marketing game with your potential clients – existing clients or Google.
Web designers do not know how to create fast sites that’s why you need my page speed optimization course!
Shocking to say, but it is so true!
I have personally optimised over 200 websites in the last 2 years alone and I am constantly shocked with the shortcuts designers and developers take and the super slow sites they create.
And there is ONE reason and ONE reason alone why they do this!
This is just one of the many things you will learn about in this very comprehensive online page speed optimization course.
Running Speed Tests
GTmetrix break down
Other speed tools
How to read a basic GTmetrix report
What actually slows a website down
What actually slows a website down – part 2
Above the fold meaning
Why to get your WordPress site loading in < 1 for SEO
Top 3 things that slow any site down
Gtmetrix 5 tips – part 1
Google Mobile First
Google Core Web vitals
Google Search Central
WordPress speed plugins
How your hosting affects speed
Low quality web hosts
5 more GTmetrix tips
What is caching
What is minification
What is preloading
What is lazy loading
WP Rocket intro
Last 5 GTmetrix tips
How to read Google Page Speed Insights report
Why you should run multiple speed scans
Why fix 404s
How to read a waterfall speed report
DNS lookups speed impact
Exercise – learn more about GTmetrix waterfall
Redis intro
What is a CDN
http 1, 2, and 3
Intro to browser dev tools
PHP versions and why you should keep updating