Ultimate DevOps Guide with Interview Preparation

Learn all the needed skills and Land your Job Guarantee

What you will learn

Linux from the beginning – History and Evolution

Unix Architecture

Linux Commands Hands On

Linux vs Unix

Learn Linux From the scratch

Shell Scripting

The Linux Boot Process

What is CI/CD ?

What is Jenkins and why

Install Jenkins

Create your first Jenkins Job

Integrate Jenkins with GitHub and AWS with Practice Step by Step

What is Docker and why

VM vs Containers

How Docker works Architecture

How to handle Dockerfile

Docker compose app py file

Learn Python From the scratch

Understanding Python Essentials and Concepts

Hands On projects

Python Practice Step By Step

Terraform Introduction

Terraform Create your First Resource

Terraform Generate Secrets

Terraform Strings

Terraform EC2 Create Instance

Terraform Hands-On Project Step By Step

Learn the AWS EC2

Learn the AWS S3

Learn the AWS ELB

Learn the AWS ASG

Learn the AWS RDS

Learn the AWS Cloud Watch Monitoring

Learn the AWS Cloud Formation IAC (Infrastructure as a code)

AWS Interview Preparation

Terraform Interview Preparation

Jenkins Interview Preparation

Docker Interview Preparation

Linux Interview Preparation


DevOps is a combination of software development and information technology operations that enables businesses to deliver applications at a faster pace. It brings together development and operations teams so there are fewer redundancies in the software development process.

DevSecOps is a culture shift in the software industry that aims to bake security into the rapid-release cycles that are typical of modern application development and deployment.

DevOps has revolutionized workplaces in many ways. The number of DevOps-related jobs are increasing, while its rank as an in-demand job.

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DevOps is important because it’s a software development and operations approach that enables faster development of new products and easier maintenance of existing deployments.

In this course we will learn all the below in this ultimate course:

  • Linux from the beginning – History and Evolution
  • Unix Architecture
  • Linux Commands Hands On
  • Linux vs Unix
  • Learn Linux From the scratch
  • Shell Scripting
  • The Linux Boot Process
  • What is CI/CD ?
  • What is Jenkins and why
  • Install Jenkins
  • Create your first Jenkins Job
  • Integrate Jenkins with GitHub and AWS with Practice Step by Step
  • What is Docker and why
  • VM vs Containers
  • How Docker works Architecture
  • How to handle Docker file
  • Docker compose app py file
  • Learn Python From the scratch
  • Understanding Python Essentials and Concepts
  • Hands On projects
  • Python Practice Step By Step
  • Terraform Introduction
  • Terraform Create your First Resource
  • Terraform Generate Secrets
  • Terraform Strings
  • Terraform EC2 Create Instance
  • Terraform Hands-On Project Step By Step
  • Interview Preparation


Teaser Video

Teaser Video

Ultimate Linux Guide with Interview Preparation

Linux from the beginning – History and Evolution
Linux vs Unix
Unix Architecture
Linux Directory Structure
Basic Linux Commands
Basic Linux Commands Hands-On
Working with Directories
Working with Directories Hands-On
Listing Files and Understanding ls Output
Listing Files and Understanding ls Output Hands-On
Links and Shortcuts in Linux
Links and Shortcuts in Linux Hands-On
File and Directory Permissions
File and Directory Permissions Hands-On
Finding Files and Directories Hands-On
Viewing Files and the Nano Editor
Viewing Files and the Nano Editor Hands-On
Editing Files in Vi/Vim
Editing Files in Vi/Vim Hands-On
Linux copy move commands Hands-On
Input Output and Redirection
Input Output and Redirection Hands-On
Linux Comparing Files Hands-On
Linux Transfer Files Over Network
Shell Aliases Hands-On
Linux Environment Variable Hands-On
Processes and Job Control
Processes and Job Control Hands-On
Scheduling Repeated Jobs with Cron
Scheduling Repeated Jobs with Cron Hands-On
Linux History Hands-On
Linux Sudo Another Users Hands-On
Linux Users Management Hands-On
The Linux Boot Process
Linux File System Hands-On
What is Shell Scripting
Linux Var Special
Linux Operators
Linux if else Case
Linux Loops
Linux Functions
Linux Interview Preparation Part 1
Linux Interview Preparation Part 2
Linux Interview Preparation Part 3

Ultimate Docker Guide with Interview Preparation

What is Docker and why
How Docker works Architecture
VM vs Containers
Install Docker On Linux
Install Docker On MAC
Docker Overview
Docker Engine
Docker Images
Docker Containers
Docker Storage
Docker Networking
Docker Commands Overview
Dockerfile Basics
Compose Basics
Hello World Container
Ubuntu Container
Containers Management
Images Management
Our first Nginx Container
Nginx Custom
Dockerfile part1
Dockerfile part2
compose INTRO
compose YAML Syntax
compose app py file
compose Dockerfile
compose docker app py
compose up
compose bind mount
compose more option
Docker Interview Preparation Part 1
Docker Interview Preparation Part 2
Docker Interview Preparation Part 3
Docker Interview Preparation Part 4

Ultimate Python for beginners with Projects

Install Python
Hello World
Data Types
Math functions
Operator Precedence
Types Conversion
Escape Sequence
Formated Strings
Strings Indexes
List Methods
Dictionary Methods
Conditional If Else
For Loop
Break Continue Pass
Args Kwargs
Packages in Python
Error Handling
Input / Output (IO)
Input/Output (IO) Error Handling
What is Port Scanner and how it works
Building our first Port Scanner from the scratch
Web Application Directory Discovery
Building our first Directory Discovery from the scratch
What is Brute Force Attack
Types of Brute Force Attacks
Building our first Brute Login from the scratch

Ultimate Jenkins Guide with Interview Preparation

What is CI/CD?
What is Jenkins and why
Install Jenkins
Create Jenkins job
Job General
Job Triggers
Job Environment
Job Build
Job Post Build
Job Views
Managements System Information
Managements System Logs
Managements Global Tool
Managements Configure System
Managements Plugin
Managements Users
Managements Security
Managements Credentials
Managements Nodes
What we will Build (Diagram)
Creating VPC and Subnets
Creating IGW and NAT
Install VPN
Setup VPN
Install Jenkins
Setup Jenkins URL
Integrate Jenkins GitHub AWS Part 1
Integrate Jenkins GitHub AWS Part 2
Jenkins Interview Preparation Part 1
Jenkins Interview Preparation Part 2
Jenkins Interview Preparation Part 3
Jenkins Interview Preparation Part 4

Ultimate Terraform Guide with Interview Preparation

Terraform Introduction
Terraform Visual Studio Code Download
Terraform Folder Setup
Terraform Create your First Resource
Terraform Install Terraform
Terraform IAM Users
Terraform Generate Secrets
Terraform INIT
Terraform PLAN
Terraform APPLY
Terraform Destroy
Terraform tfstate File
Terraform Strings
Terraform boolean variables
terraform list var
terraform Map var
terraform using string var
terraform using list var
terraform using map var
terraform using input var
terraform using output
terraform using object var
terraform EC2 Create Instance
Terraform EC2 EIP
Terraform EC2 SG
Terraform module first
terraform Module output
terraform Module remote
terraform IAM Create user and attach
Terraform RDS create
Terraform advance backend create s3
terraform advance backend use s3
terraform advance count
terraform advance import
terraform advance depends
terraform advance data sources
terraform advance syntax validate
terraform advance format
terraform advance providers multiple
terraform advance local provisioner
terraform advance remote provesioner
terraform plan destroy
terraform advance workspaces
terraform advance taint
terraform advance functions
terraform advance debugging
terraform sensitive param
What are we going to build
Building VPC with two subnets
Building Security Group (SG)
Building EC2
Terraform Interview Preparation Part 1
Terraform Interview Preparation Part 2
Terraform Interview Preparation Part 3
Terraform Interview Preparation Part 4

Ultimate AWS Guide with Interview Preparation

What is AWS and Why
IAM Introduction
IAM How Can Users Access
IAM Alias
IAM Users Groups
IAM Password Policy
IAM Policy
IAM CLI (Command Line)
IAM Cloud Shell
IAM Role
IAM Security Tools
IAM Best Practices
EC2 Introduction
EC2 Launch Your First
EC2 Instance Connect
EC2 Roles (Instance Profile)
EC2 Placement Group Overview
EC2 Placement Group Hands On
EC2 Hibernate
EC2 ENI (Elastic Network Interface)
EC2 Spot Instances
EBS Overview (Elastic Block Storage)
EBS Hands On (Elastic Block Storage)
AMI Overview (Amazon Machine Images)
AMI Hands On (Amazon Machine Images)
EFS Overview (Elastic File System)
EFS Hands On (Elastic File System)
ASG Overview
ASG Launch configuration
ASG Create ASG Groups
ELB Overview
ELB Classic
ELB Target groups
ELB Network LB
ELB Application LB
VPC overview
Create your first VPC
VPC Subnets
Elastic IP
VPC Route Tables
VPC Internet Gateway
VPC Egress Only
VPC Peering
Route53 Overview
Route53 Register Domain
Route53 HostedZones
Route53 HealthCheck
CloudWatch Overview
CloudWatch Default Metrics
CloudWatch Custom Metrics
CloudWatch Alarms
CloudWatch Billing Alarms
CloudWatch Logs Overview
CloudWatch Logs Custom
CloudWatch Logs Filters and alarm
CloudWatch Events
CloudWatch Dashboards
What is IAC (Infrastructure As Code)
CloudFormation Overview
YAML Syntax
CloudFormation Create Stack
CloudFormation Update Delete stack
CloudFormation Parameters
CloudFormation Resources
CloudFormation Mapping
CloudFormation Outputs
CloudFormation Conditions
Cloudformation Internsic Function
CloudFormation User data
CloudFormation cfn init
CloudFormation cfn Signal
CloudFormation RollBack
CloudFormation Nested
CloudFormation Change sets
CloudFormation DependsOn
CloudFormation Drift detect
AWS Interview Preparation Part 1
AWS Interview Preparation Part 2
AWS Interview Preparation Part 3
AWS Interview Preparation Part 4
AWS Interview Preparation Part 5
AWS Interview Preparation Part 6