The Ultimate Computer Vision and Deep Learning Course

Computer Vision Generative AI using Deep Learning, Learn Generative AI architectures, Get started with Deep Learning

What you will learn

Learn the core concepts and techniques used in computer vision, including image processing, feature extraction.

Gain practical experience by implementing computer vision models using PyTorch

Dive deep into CNNs, the backbone of modern computer vision, and explore architectures like VAE, UNet etc. to enhance your understanding of deep

Understand how to leverage pretrained models to expedite the training process in computer vision tasks while working with limited data.

Understand how Generative AI works implement them


In this course, you will embark on a journey to master the foundations of deep learning and apply them to various computer vision tasks. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced practitioner, this course will equip you with the knowledge and practical skills needed to excel in the field.

This course only focuses on the things which are required to get you started in coding Neural Networks for computer vision tasks. This course is focused on clearing your Deep Learning and Computer Vision Concepts, that’s why I have kept it short and Free. From the next course, you would see much longer courses focused towards teaching you Advanced Computer Vision.

Each section starts with theory, gives you an idea about how things work, and then gives you hands-on examples through coding videos.

You’ll dive into “Deep Learning Fundamentals” to establish a solid understanding of the principles that drive this cutting-edge field. You’ll explore topics such as neural networks, Tensors, PyTorch etc.

In “Building Neural Networks with PyTorch,” you’ll learn how to construct powerful neural networks using the PyTorch library. Through hands-on coding exercises, you’ll gain the skills to design, train, and evaluate neural networks for a variety of tasks.

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The “Neural Network for Images” section focuses on leveraging neural networks for image classification, object detection, and semantic segmentation. You’ll learn how to preprocess image data, build custom architectures, and apply transfer learning to achieve state-of-the-art performance.

“Convolutional Neural Networks” takes a deep dive into this key architecture for computer vision. You’ll understand the unique characteristics of CNNs,  learn how to fine-tune them for specific tasks.

The “Autoencoders” section introduces unsupervised learning and dimensionality reduction techniques using autoencoders. You’ll delve into various types of autoencoders, including convolutional and variational autoencoders, and apply them to projects involving image reconstruction and generation.

Finally, the “Projects” section will put your skills to the test as you tackle exciting real-world applications. You’ll explore projects like “Deep Fake” where you’ll generate realistic face swaps, “Image Colorization” to bring black and white images to life, and “Neural Style Transfer” to create artistic transformations.

By the end of this course, you’ll have gained a comprehensive understanding of deep learning and computer vision with PyTorch. You’ll be proficient in building and training neural networks, applying convolutional networks to image analysis, and utilizing generative models for creative projects. Join us now and unlock the potential of deep learning in the realm of computer vision!




Course Overview

Deep Learning Fundamentals

What is Deep Learning
Introduction to PyTorch
Tensor (Coding)
Operations on tensor (Coding)
Operations on tensor part 2(Coding)
Advantages of tensors

Building Neural Networks with PyTorch

What is a Neural Network
Neural Network Training Workflow
Neural Network Architecture
Architecture (Coding)
Activation and Loss Functions
Activation and Loss Functions (Coding)
Training Neural Network (Coding)
Dataset and Data Loader
Dataset and Data Loader (Coding)

Neural Network for Images

Introduction to Image Classification
Fundamentals of Image Processing (Coding)
Image Classification (Coding)
Hyperparameter Tuning
Deep Neural Network (Coding)
Data Normalization

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)

Introduction to CNN
Why CNN?
CNN (Coding)
Data Augmentation
Training with Augmented Data (Coding)
CNN on Real World Images

Auto Encoders

Introduction to Auto Encoders
Vanilla Auto Encoders (Coding)
CNN Based Auto Encoder (Coding)
Introduction to Variational Auto Encoders (VAE)
VAE (Coding)

Hands-on Projects

Section Overview
Neural Style Transfer (Coding)
Deep Fake (Coding)
Image Colorization (Coding)