The Strangest Secret in Hindi

Lessons learnt from the Strangest Secret written by Earl Nightingale

What you will learn

What is Strangest Secret?

How to overcome fears?

Why few succeed and why others continuously fail?

How to write goals?


In this course, the students will learn all about

  1. What is the Strangest Secret ?
  2. Definition of Success
  3. Why People Don’t Succeed ?
  4. Believe In Secret To Succeed
  5. Plant Seeds Of Success in Brain
  6. Set Achievable Goals
  7. Get Rid Of Inferiority Complex
  8. Write Your Goals

All the content is created in the language of Hindi for bringing convenience to the hindi students.


The Strangest Secret was a 1956 spoken word record by Earl Nightingale, which sold over one million copies and received the first Gold Record for the spoken word, which helped launch the fields of business motivation and audio publishing.

Key lessons are here:

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Avoid thinking about what it is you fear. Each time a fearful or negative thought comes to your mind, replace it with a mental picture of your positive and worthwhile goal.

Your success will always be measured by the quality and quantity of service you render. You’ve got to be of service before we can expect a return.

Earl Nightingale V was an American radio speaker and author, dealing mostly with the subjects of human character development, motivation, and meaningful existence. He was the voice during the early 1950s of Sky King, the hero of a radio adventure series, and was a WGN radio program host from 1950 to 1956.

Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now.




lesson 1
lesson 2
lesson 3
lesson 40
lesson 41
lesson 5
lesson 6
lesson 7

