The Sacred Cycle: Tap into The Magic of Your Menstrual Cycle

An Initiation into The Manifestation Magic of Your Menstrual Cycle

What you will learn

Delve into the science and the energetics of the four stages of the menstrual cycle

Access the full potential of your creative ovarian energy and channel it effectively throughout the menstrual cycle

Tap into the manifestation magic of your menstrual cycle and get the most of every phase to achieve your personal and professional goals

Discover the interconnectedness of the Menstrual cycle and the moon

Be guided through a structured, transformative process to heal, design, expand, and celebrate every area of your life

Release the stress, the frustration, and the shame associated with your cycle, your PMS, or Dysmenorrhea


You say that you are done;

Done with squandering your potential;

Done with fighting tooth and nail for average or less-than-average results;

Done with lying to yourself and buying into the story that in order to be successful, you have to push and pull and force yourself to be someone else or to do things that are not aligned with your truth of the moment.

You say that you deserve better; you are meant for more; you were born to thrive.

You say that enough is enough and that it’s about time to claim and get your desires: Ease, Flow, Well-being, Success, Fulfillment, Peace, Joy, Creativity, and so on.

Well, if you say so, then,…

When are you going to step into that, beautiful one?

When are you going to make a choice?

The simple, obvious choice of living in alignment with what you know your life is supposed to be about and with how you really want to live it;

And even more to the point;

When are you going to make the choice of living in alignment with who you are?

Living in alignment with your womb wisdom, your feminine magic, and your sacred cycle?


Alright! Then let’s talk the real talk…

What’s the sacred cycle?

An art.

An answer.

A wake-up call.

An inner treasure.

A manifestation tool.

A transformative process.

Who is it for?

  • The goddesses who want to explore their menstrual cycle through a scientific, energetic, and spiritual approach and tap into their inherent magic to manifest what they truly desire.
  • The creatresses, the gifted ones, the artists who are ready to unleash their fullest creative genius.
  • The rule-breakers & the independent thinkers who are unavailable for anything less than a soul-fulfilling life on their feminine terms.
  • The boss ladies who want to achieve their personal & professional goals with ease and to be guided through the different steps of the manifestation process.
  • The self-empowered women who want to purge their lives, release the old, heal, and raise their creative life-energy.

How does it work?

  1. We Explore

After delving into the impact of the lunar energy on women, we discuss the main components of the female reproductive system and learn about the different organs and hormones that regulate the menstrual cycle. With this knowledge in hand, we take the first step toward fulfillment and well-being by taking the time to understand our own cycles and distill the effects of the moon on our mental, physical, and emotional abilities.

Practices & Tools:

Subscribe to latest coupons on our Telegram channel.

  • Alignment practice & self-Study Worksheets to Tap into the Magic of your Menstrual Cycle and Harness the Lunar Energy

2. We Heal

We look at the source of our pain and stagnation straight in the eyes, and we purge every aspect of our lives and beings. The main goal is to take back the life-energy that we have invested in holding onto old draining commitments or repressed negative emotions, transfigure it into creative energy, and channel it in a positive, empowering way.

Practices & Tools:

  • Decree to Heal and Release the 4-Body System Attachments Audio
  • The Completion Worksheet
  • Emotional Purification for Deep Healing

3. We design

We allow ourselves to dream big and plant the seeds of new creations in our lives. We open ourselves to receive the abundance of the universe and the guidance of our womb wisdom—the source of our inner knowing.

Practices & Tools:

  • The Receptive Manifestation Journaling Process
  • The Womb Wisdom Meditation

4. We expand

We set SMART goals; we make sh*t happen, and we step into the Super-Flow zone, where there’s only alignment, clarity, and commitment.

Practices & Tools:

  • The Commitment Challenge
  • The Super-Flow Activation Meditation

5. We celebrate

We create the inner state we need in order to manifest our desires fast, and we allow ourselves to celebrate our lives no matter what!

Practices & Tools:

  • The One and The ONLY Practice to Step into The High-Vibe State of Instant Manifestation

How do we do this work?

During this course, Bushra, founder of The Expansion Academy, is going to help you uncover the magic of your menstrual cycle so that you can live, create, and thrive on your feminine terms.

This course includes:

  • 7 Video transmissions
  • 4 PDF Key content
  • 6 Journaling & self-study worksheets
  • 1 Decree & 2 Guided Meditations Audios

Are you ready?



So join The Sacred Cycle Online course today and step into the manifestation magic of your menstrual cycle, gorgeous!



By enrolling in this course, you agree and acknowledge that the information provided in this course is for informational purposes only and that I am not providing medical advice, mental health advice, financial advice, or religious advice in any way.

I am not, nor am I holding myself out to be a doctor/physician/therapist/social worker/financial advisor/member of the clergy, or any other registered professional (“Professional Provider”).

I am not attempting to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any physical, mental or emotional issue, disease, or condition. The information provided in these courses is not intended to be a substitute for the professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment provided by your own “Professional Provider”.

Always seek the advice of your own “Professional Provider” regarding any questions or concerns you have about your current situation or about any aspect of your life before implementing any recommendations or suggestions from this course.

Even if the suggestions listed here worked for me or for someone else, this doesn’t mean or guarantee that they will work for everyone.



Lean Back into the Remembrance of Who You are

You are a powerful, beautiful and magical being!

Women and the Moon: Exploring the Magic

The Menstrual Cycle vs The Moon Cycle


The Premenstrual Phase
Decree to Heal and Release the 4-Body Attachments


The Menstrual Phase
The Womb Wisdom Meditation


The Pre-Ovulation Phase
The Super-Flow Activation


The Ovulation Phase

My Message to You

Manifestation is Simple…