Art Therapy, Decluttering, Death Cleaning and Lagom (Course includes a workbook)
What you will learn
Leave enough time for the things they love
Further apply the Holman Protocol
How decluttering affects their sex life and mental health
How decluttering affects anxiety
How Lagom is linked to minimalism and decluttering
How to infuse Lagom into your life
The best decluttering advice
A Minimalist Lifestyle beckons!
This course is about introducing ‘Lagom’ into your life. In a sense it is the international element (along with Hygge) of the Holman Protocol. BUT there are also several ART THERAPY exercises and various tips to help you save time in your life!
With this course you will cover:
- Death cleaning
- Decluttering
- Lagom in the home
- How this is NOT Hygge
- Art Therapy
…and other international elements.
This course is very much about application. Therefore ‘course collectors’ who do not ask questions, discuss, offer comments etc will gain little, if anything from simply letting the lectures run and then collecting a ‘Completion Certificate’. The Holman Protocol (Lagom) is about wellbeing, improving your life – but at your own pace.
Not too fast; not too slow.
No mass enrolments of non-sharers, non-contributors etc.
Just people who want to live, love, share and grow.
Numbers will be kept low with the aim of encouraging everyone to gain through group involvement.
Workbook added on DECLUTTERING
Chapter 1: 3 Ways to Infuse Lagom In Your Life
Chapter 2 : Tips to get you started with decluttering
Chapter 3 : The 8 step process
Chapter 4 : Set a timetable: 30 days?
Chapter 5 : 30 days – an alternative timetable
Chapter 6 : Speed is everything
Chapter 7 : What NOT to do
Chapter 8 : You want a list of tips?
Chapter 9 : The best decluttering advice
Chapter 10 : Some 5 minute decluttering tips
Chapter 11 : The Declutter 101 process:
Chapter 12 : The exhaustive guide
Chapter 13: Five baskets!
Chapter 14: 96 clutter hacks
Chapter 15 : Get rid of these!
Chapter 16 : In Conclusion – declutter your mind.
Chapter 17: Making decluttering a core desire
The above applying the work of Marie Kondo.
Oxford School of Learning Diploma
Too much/too little – these are risk factors for stroke!