Complete Windows 11 with Microsoft Copilot Masterclass

Learn Everything About Windows 11 – Computer Basics – Computer Essentials – OneDrive – Security – Upgrade to Windows 11

What you will learn

Windows 11 Reinvention

How to Get Windows 11

Your First Page in Windows 11

What We Have in Windows 11 Desktop

Changing Icons Settings in Windows 11

View Settings in Folder and More Icons

Desktop Icons Visibility Settings

Sorting Icons in Windows 11

More Ways of Sorting and Refresh Deal

Refresh Definition

Change Desktop Background Anytime

Copy, Cut, Undo and Redo

Display Settings in Windows 11

Personalize Your Windows 11

Taskbar Settings

Windows 11 Explorer

What You Need for Windows 11 Store

Creating an Outlook for Windows 11

Windows 11 App Store

Windows 11 App Store Settings

Uninstall Any App from Windows 77 (3 Ways to Do)

Rename Your Laptop and Necessary Window Update

Sound Management in Windows 11

Notification Settings

Focus Assistant

Power and Battery Management in Windows 11

Storage Settings in Windows 11

Nearby Settings

Multi Tasking in Windows 11

Windows 11 Activation

Windows Troubleshoot of Windows 11

Recovery and Rest of Windows 11

Projecting to This Pc, Remote Desktop and About

Clipboard Settings

Bluetooth and Other Devices in Windows 11 (phone)

Network and Internet

App and Features in Windows 11

Time and Language


Privacy and Security

Windows Update

Windows 10 and 11 Maintenance

One Drive

Security Is Everything


The Complete Windows 11 Masterclass: Learn Everything About Windows 11 – Computer Basics – Computer Essentials – OneDrive – Security – Upgrade to Windows 10

Windows 11 has easy-to-use tools that can help you optimize your screen space and maximize your productivity. Nowadays, it is the easiest Operating system to learn and upgrade. You only need to click or tap to do your work in Windows 11. There is a new design of start-menu, a new app store, windows, lock-screen, and new revolutionary settings.

The easier the operating system is the more productivity you will have. You can 10x your work speed with Windows 11. There are no complicated options anymore.

If you want a new clean, beautiful, and productive operating system, Windows 11 is a great one. Give it a try. In this class, we will teach you everything we know about Windows 11 will 10x life. I have been experiencing Windows XP, Vista, Seven, Eight, 10. Between these, I have a good feeling about Seven than 10. But now I have more good feelings about Windows 11. A revolutionary operating system.

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By taking this The Complete Windows 11 Masterclass you will be able to:

  • Explore the Windows 11 Reinventions Interface
  • Upgrade to Windows 11
  • Manage Windows 11
  • Change Icons
  • Manage folders and icons settings
  • Manage Display settings in Windows 11
  • Personalize your Windows 11
  • Personalize your taskbar
  • Learn about Windows 11
  • Sign in and manage your Microsoft Accounts in Windows 11
  • Install apps from anywhere in Windows and manage them
  • Manage notification and focus settings
  • Take control of battery and power
  • Clean up your storage
  • Muli task
  • Recover and rest Windows 11
  • Troubleshoot Windows 11
  • Manage apps and features
  • Improve accessibility
  • Enable more time and more language
  • Keep privacy and security of Windows
  • Run Windows updateClipboard
  • Manage OneDrive
  • Maintenance your Windows
  • Create and keep all secure

Don’t hesitate any longer – join us now and start having new experiences with The Comprehensive Windows 11 Masterclass today!

This Windows 11 course is ideal for anyone searching for more info on the following:  windows 11 – windows – window 11 – operating system – Microsoft 98-349. Plus, this course will be a great addition to anyone trying to build out their knowledge in the following areas: Microsoft Intune – Endpoint Management – Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager / SCCM – OpenSSH – Microsoft Windows.



Time to Master Windows 10

The Complete Windows 11 Masterclass Promo
Quick Remainder – Ask Me Anything
Another Quick Win – Join Your Private Group
Quick Win – Upgrade Your Windows for Free

Getting Started

Windows 11 Reinvention
How to Get Windows 11
Your First Page in Windows 11
What We Have in Windows 11 Desktop
Changing Icons Settings in Windows 11
View Settings in Folder and More Icons
Desktop Icons Visibility Settings
Sorting Icons in Windows 11
More Ways of Sorting and Refresh Deal
Refresh Definition
Change Desktop Background Anytime
Copy, Cut, Undo and Redo
Display Settings in Windows 11
Personalize Your Windows 11
Taskbar Settings
Windows 11 Explorer

Windows Store, Apps and Programs Management

What You Need for Windows 11 Store
Creating an Outlook for Windows 11
Windows 11 App Store
Windows 11 App Store Settings
Uninstall Any App from Windows 77 (3 Ways to Do)

Windows 11 Settings

Rename Your Laptop and Necessary Window Update
Sound Management in Windows 11
Notification Settings
Focus Assistant
Power and Battery Management in Windows 11
Storage Settings in Windows 11
Nearby Settings
Multi Tasking in Windows 11
Windows 11 Activation
Windows Troubleshoot of Windows 11
Recovery and Rest of Windows 11
Projecting to This Pc, Remote Desktop and About
Clipboard Settings
Bluetooth and Other Devices in Windows 11 (phone)
Network and Internet
Personalization of Windows 11
App and Features in Windows 11
Accounts in Windows 11
Time and Language
Privacy and Security
Windows Update

Windows 10 and 11 Maintenance

Anti Virus Software
Windows Activation
Windows Backup and Other Softwires
Windows Drivers

One Drive Is an Essential Part of Windows 11

Quick Quick Win – Share and Collaborate
Another Quick Win – Create a Folder and Rename It
What’s One Drive
OneDrive Free and Paid Plans
One Drive Sign up
One Drive Personal Vault
One Drive PC folder Backup
OneDrive Desktop App Download and Installation
OneDrive Mobile App Download and Installation
Quick Win – Change the View of Displayed Files and Folde
Another Quick Win Create a New Album
Complete OneDrive Environment
Upload and Download in OneDrive
Creating New File and Folder in OneDrive
Selecting Files and Folder in OneDrive
Sharing and collaborating files and folder in OneDrive
Other options in top bar of the files and folder
Other options in top bar of the files and folder part 2
Picture options in OneDrive
Right Click options in OneDrive
Personal Valid in OneDrive
Personal Valid Options in OneDrive
Shared Folder in OneDrive
One Drive Settings – Storage Management
One Drive Settings (cont.)
Complete Microsoft Word Environment
Ribbon Guide
Menu and Groups Guide
Learn functions and options then projects
Microsoft Word Home Menu Tools
Microsoft Word Home Reviewing and Viewing Mode
Microsoft Word File Menu
Microsoft Word Insert Menu – Page Break and Table
Microsoft Word Insert Picture Menu
Microsoft Word Word Inserting Header and Footer, Symbol and Emoji
Microsoft Word Layout Menu
Microsoft One Drive References Menu
Microsoft Word Review Menu
Microsoft Word View and Help
Timetable Making in Microsoft Word
Bill System in Microsoft Word
Microsoft Excel In OneDrive Environment
Microsoft Excel Home (part 1)
Microsoft Excel Number Formats
Microsoft Excel Conditional Format
Microsoft Excel Formatting a Table
Microsoft One Drive Insert
Microsoft Data, Review and View
Salary Table in Microsoft Excel
Salary Table in Microsoft Excel (cont.)
Microsoft Power Point Environment
Microsoft PowerPoint Home and File
Microsoft PowerPoint Insert and Design Menu
Microsoft PowerPoint Animation and Transition and more
Projects of PowerPoint
Outlook Environment
Sending and Receiving Email in Outlook
Email Options in Outlook
Email Options Part Two in Outlook
Sweep Function in Outlook
Email Options Part Three in Outlook
Outlook Settings
OneDrive Profile Management
OneNote in OneDrive
Forms Servy in OneDrive
Plain Text in OneDrive
Account One Drive Settings

Security Is Everything

Quick Win – Create Unknown Password
Security Is Everything
Quick Win – Insecurity Is Coming from You and Others
Understand Security Type or Category
Life Savers – You Should Know These
Have Proper Password – Start Securing You Now
Don’t Use the Same Password Anymore
Should You Use Longer Password or Complicated!
The Best and Only Solution to Make and Keep Password Un-Crack-Able
Last-Pass _ Authy Mobile App
Lastpass Setup and Configure
Last-Pass Options Part 1
Last-Pass Options Part 2
Last-Pass Option Part 3
2FA Makes You Even Stronger in Password
Security Is Everything, Keep Secured Your Devices
Security on Your Data and Privacy

