The Complete Resilience Course – Master Emotional Resiliency

Build Resilience – You Can Master Self-Discipline – Emotional Intelligence – Stress Management – Overcome Adversity

What you will learn


Good habits


Emotional intelligence

Stress reduction


The Complete Resilience Course – Master Emotional Resiliency
Build Resilience – You Can Master Self-Discipline – Emotional Intelligence – Stress Management – Overcome Adversity

When tough times come, and they will come, you will need resilience. It’s easy to be calm and the picture of success when everything is going well, but what about when crises, failures and catastrophes occur?

Resilience is not something you’re born with. But it is a skill set you can build. Personal development expert TJ Walker will lead you through this transformational resilience course. Using his unique SelfieSpeak Programming  (SSP) method, Walker will teach you how to build strengthening daily habits in every major sphere of your life.

Many people go through life building on the strengths in only one sphere of their life, such as their career or marriage. When setbacks occur, they have nothing else to hold onto. They are non-resilient.

Walker will help you build resilience by acquiring strong daily habits to improve your life in the following seven spheres:

1. Self-control/Agency

2. Health

3. Love/Friendship/Relationships

4. Lifelong Learning

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5. Creating/Demonstrating Purpose

6. Leisure

7. Wealth

If you are currently struggling with your resilience, now is the Time to make yourself stronger. If you are not facing a crisis at the moment, now is the perfect time to strengthen yourself to withstand all future setbacks in life.

You cannot control negative events that happen in your life. But you can’t control how you respond. Resilience can be your secret to success in leading a fulfilling, meaningful and happy life.

Please enroll in this resilience course right now.

Here is what Udemy students say about this course:

“This is one amazing course and so refreshing. Nothing much technical and I took this course most of the time during commuting. Helped me a lot with improving focus.” Syeda Afiffa Batool

“A fantastic course, one where I learned a great deal, thank you TJ!” Steve Monk



Build Resilience For a Life of Strength and Meaning

The Complete Resilience Course – Master Emotional Resiliency Promo Video
Quick Win! Talk to (Don’t Text) A Friend Today
This Is Resilience
You Can’t Control Life’s Setbacks, You Can Control Your Reactions
I Am a Real Person And I’m ready to Answer Your Questions Here
Learn the Difference Between Failing and Being a Failure
Here Is Why Resilience Is So Important to Your Life
What Is The #1 Thing You Want Resilience to Prepare You For?
Build Resilience By Looking Outward
Here Is What Is Completely Different About This Resilience Course
Get Some Sleep!

This Is Why Resilience Is So Important

You Have Seen People Fall Apart
A Resilient Body Requires Daily Exercise
A Balanced Life Leads to Resilience
You Need Resilience No Matter What Profession You Enter
Where Did Your Instructor Get His Theories About Resilience?
Resilience Will Help You Succeed At the Highest Levels, Even With Disabilities
Perfectionism and Resilience Do NOT Go Together
Pick One Thing You Can Do Today To Become More Resilient

The Resilience Mindset

Resilience Is About the Present and the Future, Not the Past
The Growth Mindset Leads to Resilience
Positive Thinking Beats Pessimism In the Game of Life
Be Self-Aware About Your Good Fortunes
Getting Fired Isn’t a Problem – Long term Unemployment Is a Big Problem
Resilient People Find A Higher Purpose for Their Life
You Must Decide To Be In Charge of Your Own Destiny
The Resilient Attitude Toward Failure
Not Enough to Accept Failure, You Must Learn and Change from Failure

Strong Daily Habits Are the Key to Becoming Resilient

Everything Starts with Strong Daily Habits
Please Share One Good Habit You Are Trying to Build
Here Is What Is Unique About this Course – SelfieSpeak Programming (SSP)
Habit Principles Aren’t Enough You Need a System that Doesn’t Rely on Willpower
Start Your Day With a Quick, Easy Habit
Mix It Up Easy Habits Next to Hard Habits
Full Disclosure! Let’s Get Real

Life Transformation, One Habit At a Time

Life Is the Sum of your Daily habits
Breakthroughs Come From Daily Mundane Work
The SelfieSpeak Audio Solution
Creating Your own Audios Is Always Better
Your Daily Habits SelfieSpeak Audio

Your Own Voice Is the Perfect Tool For Building Your Habits

The Easiest Way to Rewire Your Brain
Passive Brainwashing for You
Don’t Over-complicate this Make the Simplest Audio Production Ever

Start Transforming Your Life Now

Gain Control Over Your #1 Habit Creator
Identify the #1 Habit That Will Drive Your Success
Stack Your Habits Daily
Select Habits That Make You Happy
Don’t Fixate On Bad Habits
Build Your Creation habits Now
Positive Or Negative, Positive And Negative Guidance

Build Habits To Protect Your Eyes, Ears and Brain

Creating Healthy Media and Content Consumption Habits
The Source of Your Pollution
A News Junkie is still a Junkie
Your Perfect Media Diet
Best Email Practices
Cell Phone Hygiene
Block, Tackle, Turn Off
Schedule Your Cell Phone Time for maximum Productivity and Happiness
SelfieSpeak Audio to Gain Control of Your Cell Phone

Develop Healthy Food Habits

You Can Have Healthy Food Habits
The Big Overabundance
It Is OK to Be Hungry Occasionally
Everything You Need to know About Eating
Don’t Worry about How You Look to Others But How Your Body Feels to You
Most of Us Have to fight the Battle of the Bulge
Stop looking for the magic Bullet, Pill or Potion
There are No Obese 95 year olds
Gimmicks Don’t Work in the Long-run
It’s hard to Create or Transform If You Are Stuffing Your Face all Day Long
There is No Sugar-Coating it, Everything Is covered with Sugar These Days
You Need a Way to Eat in the Real World
Yes Fad Diets Will Work In the Short-term
Eating with Mindfulness Is the Answer
Water Is the Go-To Beverage
Name Your Weight
Eat Until Full and Stuffed, Or Satisfied
Plan for Big Temptations With a Healthy Snack
Vitamins or Not
Weigh Yourself Daily
Get Ready for Your Own SelfieSpeak Audio for Your Own Food Consumption
Eat to Live SelfieSpeak Audio

Building Strong Health Habits

Your Long Term Health Is Based On Daily Health Habits
Healthy Gym Workouts are Hard, Health Hygiene Is Easy
Pain Free Creation
Proactive Eating Habits
Recharging the Batteries for Maximum Performance
There Is Always Time for Exercise
Ready to Smile at Your Premier
Don’t Drown in the Sea of Bad Health Advice
Prepare for Your Health SelfieSpeak Programming
Your SelfieSpeak Health Programming

Build Strong Habits for Consuming Stuff

Strong Habits for Buying Stuff
The Overabundance of Stuff is Crowding Out Thought
Kondo Is One Important Piece of the Puzzle
Easiest solution Don’t buy junk in the First Place
Exceptions to the No clutter rule – Probably Not You
Throw Stuff Away To Clear Your thoughts
Get Ready for Your Selfie speak audio
You Control Your Possessions

Simple Tech Steps In Creating Your Own SelfieSpeak Programming

No Problem If You Hate Technology
Simple Solutions to Common Problems When Making Your Audios
Nobody Likes the Sound of their Own Voice
Improving Every Single SelfieSpeak Audio

You Now Have the Power to Control Your Own Habits

This Is How Long You Should Use SelfieSpeak Programming
Build the Habit of Continual Improvement
Revise, edit, Delete, Recreate Your Selfiespeak Audios
Put All Your Habits Together Now

Conclusion to The Complete Resilience Course

We Are Almost Done – What Else Do You Need to Know About Resilience?
This Course Doesn’t Just Preach Resilience, It Practices Resilience Too
Congratulations! You Are Now More Resilient and Ready for More Challenges