The Complete Recruiting Masterclass – HR Resources – Hiring

HR Managers – You Can Hire the Right People – Talent Management Skills for Human Resources Professionals

What you will learn

Lead the hiring process

Understand what kind of person your team really needs

Define an ideal candidate profile

Write an eye-catchy job description

Conduct telephone interview

Negotiate compensation agreements with new hires

Use coaching techniques during an interview

Estimate candidates using different interviewing techniques


Recruiting is the world where candidates rule. Human resource managers are competing for the best and brightest. Talent management today means being able to attract people who “add ease and clarity”. This course is an introduction into the topic of recruiting the best from the market. Jump in to avoid major mistakes HRs and team leaders make when closing the key vacancies.

You will benefit from this course the most if you are:

· A recruiter or HR specialist striving to speed up the hiring process

· A business owner or entrepreneur seeking to build a great team

· A team leader or project manager who needs to recruit external and internal candidates.

In this course, you will:

· Understand what kind of person your team really needs

· Define an ideal candidate profile

· Make your hiring and talent management tactics advance your business goals

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· Write an eye-catching job description to enhance the hiring process

· Find more high-quality candidates faster

· Conduct better telephone and online interviews

· Assess candidates using different interviewing techniques

· Use coaching techniques during an interview

· Negotiate compensation agreements with new hires

· Enjoy the process of recruiting!

The uniqueness of this course is that it covers each and every step of the hiring and recruiting process. In addition, it gives you a wide variety of recruiting techniques to be used in HR and talent management. For example, business coaching. In this course you will know about coaching techniques you can use in interviews to achieve greater results and enjoy the process much more than you used to!

At the end of the course there is practice, so you can apply everything you have learned and feel the results immediately on the job.

Looking forward to meeting you on board!




Let’s get down to business
You will learn…

The world of recruitment

Life without recruitment
Results of special survey

Before you meet a candidate

First 4 steps
The main competence of modern HR
How to build relationships
Eye-catchy job ad
Where to find candidates
Resume is the best version of yourself
Trust but verify!

During the meeting with a candidate

Telephone interview
How to conduct an interview
Tipes of an interview
How to assess motivation
How to sell the vacancy
Coaching techniques you can use in an interview
Salary negotiations

What’s next?

The magic of change: your first step