The Complete PowerPoint Design and Delivery Course for 2023

Business Communication Using PowerPoint – Be an Expert at Creating and Delivering Captivating PowerPoint Presentations

What you will learn

How to use PowerPoint features in purpose of influence?

How to know your audience brain and design your content for them (neuroscience)?

How to deliver your presentation like a pro?

How to design eye catching presentation?


The Complete PowerPoint Design and Delivery Course for 2023
Business Communication Using PowerPoint – Be an Expert at Creating and Delivering Captivating PowerPoint Presentations

Please avoid being a normal presenter with super boring slides! Many studies showed if you present with an unprofessional PowerPoint, the influence of your presentation is reduced in comparison to having no slide!

Are you looking for a course on PowerPoint? As a neuroscientist let me tell you it is not a wise choice! Because you want to design a PowerPoint presentation to persuade your audience, so you need to learn how to communicate with the brain of your audience and I’ll reveal all of the scientific and practical secrets to design a brain-based PowerPoint presentation.

For example, I will show you how I earned my first million dollar in this presentation when I was just 24.

I’ll tell you how I persuaded my audience with my slides. As I mentioned before, in this course we not only focus on designing beautiful slides but persuasive slides. because we believe if you design only beautiful slides, you can’t persuade your audience. TJ and I have had more than 1000 seminars and workshops in front of more than 10,000 audiences therefore we have a good experience so you don’t just learn about PowerPoint, you will learn to present in the best way.

All of our lessons, designed based on brain-based learning instructions, which help us to understand how our audience’s brain works. Let me explain what makes this course completely different from other courses in the market:

First, you don’t just learn about PowerPoint, I’ll teach you everything you need to know about PowerPoint or design professional slides like this from scratch. It is completely practical and easy to do by yourself even if you hadn’t opened the PowerPoint yet! Also if you are not into creating these templates, you’ll have free access to reuse them for your presentation. Then I’ll teach you the things you snow know about the mechanism of the brain to persuade your audience. You’ll learn the:

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  • Effect of the big picture
  • How memory works and how to make your presentation stick to their mind
  • Attention and the tricks you can have their pure attention.
  • And learning styles and usages of this on your presentation.

After learning these topics, we will help you to design super professional slides. The next reason is that we spent lots of money on lots of different devices so many kinds of converters MacBook Microsoft Surface tablets mobile phones and a different remote presenter or even a smartwatch is to change the slides

Besides the practical content, have access to lots of sources for finding no copyrighted images, videos, and music files and I will share all of my slides with you so you, and you can reuse them freely for your personal or professional uses.

if you want to learn all of these important things about the PowerPoint presentation, join this course.

Let’s review some topics in the course:

  • What is brain-based teaching?
  • Wrong but popular beliefs on PowerPoint.
  • Do not start with PowerPoint!
  • Calculate the SR or number of your slides.
  • How to convert information to graphs and charts?
  • List of free stock images.
  • How to grab your audience’s attention with slides?
  • How to remove the background of an image?
  • What types of cable do you need for connecting your laptop to the projector or LCD?
  • How to work with data projectors?
  • What is the best model of the remote presenter?
  • How to check the conference room before the presentation?
  • How to look good on the camera?
  • Best backups for your presentation.
  • World travel adapter kit for presenting abroad.
  • Murphy’s Law in your presentation.

I strongly suggest first you check some other lessons and then make a decision, also feel free to join this course because you have 30 days money-back guarantee no questions asked.

This PowerPoint course is ideal for anyone searching for more info on the following: PowerPointPower PointPowerPoint PresentationPowerPoint Presentation. Plus, this course will be a great addition to anyone trying to build out their knowledge in the following areas: Presentation – Presentation Skills.




Quick Wins! Make Your Slides Magically Disappear
2nd Quick Win! The Most Power Full Way to Use a Slide
3rd Quick Win! These Two Techniques will Give You Supreme Confidence
The course at a glance
Get most out of this course
Wrong believes on PowerPoint

Downloadable material

Download the main PowerPoint presentation

Preparing a Presentation

Take These Exact Steps To Deliver a Great Powerpoint Presentation
Preparing the presentation at a glance
Goal setting
The Winning Structure of Every Successful PowerPoint Presentation
Five Slides Is Enough
Calculating SR
Correct Slide Size
Time planning for your presenation

Design for the Human Brain

The journey
Use powerpoint just for this
Four things about human brain
What is the big picture


Let’s talk about memory
Three types of memory
Unnecessary load on memory
Don’t Be Greedy. One Idea Per Slide
Standardized the load
Purposeless animation
How to visualize information
How to add images to your slides
resources for free Images
How to create your own mockups
Avoid clip arts
How to add shapes
Align images
Merge Shapes
Add icons to your slides
3D images
Transparent shapes and images
Soft edge images
add charts


The journey
How to grab the audience attention
Do what others don’t
Video techniques
Tips for videos
Danger! do not add from youtube!
My studio
Ho to record your screen
Ho to manage attention?

Learning style

What is learning style
Why learning style
Why learning style
Sorry, You Can’t Use PowerPoint for Your Notes
How to add bullet numbers
For sake of readers avoid this
Note about fonts
Avoid fonts problems
How to write formula
A Picture Does Tell a 1000 Words
Avoid changing aspect ratio
Go full screen
No! not stock images
One third rule
Remove background
Visual path
Visual harmoney
Color pallet
Dark or white background?
Color for attention
Choose the color from the main picture
Ideas for design
how to add audio file
Record Your Voice
Don’t Lower Your Voice
How to Improve Your Voice Overview
How to Improve Your Voice: Famous Bad Voices
The REAL Secret to Practicing Presentation Skills on Video That Nobody Gets
How to Improve Your Voice Feedback from Others
How to Improve Your Voice Defining Your Exact Problems
How to Improve Your voice Listen to Natural conversation
How to Improve Your Voice Other Techniques
Your Voice Volume
Good music source
Best source for sound effect
Final notes on music
How to create polls
Doers solutions

Delivery and Presentation

Your Bootcamp Begins Here!
You Will Pass the Ultimate Test
This Is How You Fall In Love With You
Here Is Where You Start Your PowerPoint Presentation
Delivery Tips
Before your presenation
Pre presentation pwowerpoint
Test Your Slides By Asking For Feedback
Find your safe zone
Tips for webinars
How to have good eye contact
Sit Like This to Look Your Best on camera
Export PDF of your presenation
Handout for large stages
The Ultimate PowerPoint Slide Test
Download free to use template

Technical Tricks

The journey
version of PowerPoint
Find the best convertor
Duplicate or extended screen
Tips for data projectiors
Logitech presenters is the best one
Technical difficulties in presenter

Murphy’s Law

The final part of journey
Murphy’s law in action
Murphy and battery
Still technical difficulties
How many back up is enough
Careful about your personal files
Final lesson
We Are Close to the Finish Line!
Test Your Slides By Asking For Feedback
Make TJ and Payam Earn Their Money!
Congratulations You Are Now Ready To Be a Great PowerPoint Presenter
The Most Important Thing I will Ever Ask You to Do In This Course
We Are Close to the Finish Line!
Diagnosis Your Own Voice
How to Improve Your Voice Conclusions
Testing Your Presentation Skills from Every Direction