The Complete Law Of Attraction Course Updated for the 2020s

Master the Law of Attraction – Become Your Own Best Law of Attraction Coach – Great Life Manifestation Attract Success

What you will learn

The Law of Attraction

Life Coach Training



Use the Law of Attraction to Live a Life of Fulfillment, Success and Happiness

Create the Life You Desire


The Complete Law Of Attraction Course Updated for the 2020s
Master the Law of Attraction – Become Your Own Best Law of Attraction Coach – Great Life Manifestation Attract Success

You can obtain mastery of the Law of Attraction. You may have seen the movie or read the book, but this course will systematically teach you how to re-condition your brain, completely, into an abundance-creating being.

TJ Walker dives deep into the secrets of the Law of Attraction. He goes far beyond the description and application of principles. In this course, you will learn how to condition yourself to focus consistently on the positive – on what you want in life- not what you don’t want.

You will learn a system that will transform you into having a growth mindset that will change every aspect of your life. TJ will train you to use his unique SelfieSpeak Programming (SSP) method to help you turn the Law of Attraction into a system of daily habits that will radically improve every sphere of your life, including the following:

1. Self-control and agency

2. Health

3. Love friendship relationships

4. Lifelong learning

5. Creating demonstrating purpose

6. Leisure

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7. Wealth

After attending this course, you will no longer focus on the negative in your life. You will no longer focus on what you don’t want in a job or a career or a personal relationship. Instead, you will learn how to focus on exactly what you want and then on building the skills and habits daily that will take you beyond your highest dreams.

If you are ready to take the Law of Attraction from a general fuzzy idea and turn it into a real and tangible pillar of your life, then this is the course for you.

Please note, unlike other books and courses on the Law of Attraction, this one will deal squarely and honestly with fair criticism of the Law of Attraction from the scientific community.

If you are ready to start living a happier and more successful and more fulfilled, positive life, then enroll in this course today.

Here is what Udemy students say about this course:

“I loved this course because everything is discussed in a complete frankness, unlike other ‘law of attraction’ principles!” Jean Paul Hanna


”The course is really good and more practical” Shakeel Ahmad



Live a Positive Live Using the Law of Attraction

The Complete Law Of Attraction Course Updated for the 2020s Promo Video
Quick Win! Use the Internet Laws of Attraction This Second!
This Is The Real Meaning of the Law of Attraction
Your Law of Attraction Questions are Answered Right Here!
The Real Secret to Learning From Law of Attraction Experts
Assessment Time – What Are You Already Showing the World You Are Attracted To?
Here Is How This Course Is Different From All Other Law of Attraction Courses
Making Sure the Law of Attraction Really Works for You
Assessment – You Are What You Eat AND You Are What You Post
Attraction Is a Positive Emotion – Repulsion Is Negative
Why This Is the Greatest Time In History to be Living the Law of Attraction
You Can’t Staple the Law of Attraction to Your Existing Life Instruction Manual
Here Is the Easiest Way To Attract Wealth and Success in the 2020s
Attract The Best People In the World for You
Make Your Own Dreams Come True, Not Just Other People’s Dreams
Become the Sun In Your Own Solar System
Confidence! One of the Many Side Benefits of the Law of Attraction

Goal Setting, Growth Mindset and Habits for the Law of Attraction Life

What Is the #1 Goal You Have?
Law of Attraction Requires Goal Setting, Growth Mindset and Strong Daily Habits
Key to Making Goals Become Reality Is Breaking Elements Down Into Daily Habits
Reminder, This is a Real Course With a Real Instructor Here for You
Your Ultimate Goal Is Living a Life of Meaning, Purpose, Fulfillment, Happiness
The Piecemeal Approach Doesn’t Work. You Need to Set Goals for Your Entire Life
You Will Become Your Own Best Life Coach
Focus On Just One Goal For Today
What Are the Top 3 Goals You Have for this Course
Once You’ve Set Your Goals, Achieving Goals Becomes Most Important
Avoid this! The Biggest Mistake You Can Make When It Comes to Goal Setting
The Second Biggest Goal Setting Mistake – Being Too Fuzzy
Here’s How This Course Is Different from All Other Goal Setting Courses
Write Down Your Goals AND Read Them Daily

What Is Unique About Goal Setting in the 2020s

The Challenge of Goal Setting in the 2020s
Take Back Control of Your Senses
Get Ready to Start Making Your Own SelfieSpeak Programming
This Is What Is Holding You Back In Your Goal Setting Process

The Seven Goal Spheres of Life

Creating Goals for the Seven Spheres of Your Life
Goals for Your Self-Control and Agency
Your Health Goals
Goals for Relationships, Friendships and Love
Lifelong Learning Goals
Creativity and Creation Goals
Leisure Goals
Wealth Goals

The Seven Levels of Goals Within Each Sphere

Overview of the Seven Levels of Goals for Each Sphere
Your 7 Levels of Goals for Self-Control
Your 7 Levels of Goals for Health
Your 7 Levels of Goals for Relationships, Friendships and Love
Your 7 Levels of Goals for Lifelong Learning
Your 7 Levels of Goals for Creativity and Creation
Your 7 Levels of Goals for Leisure
Your 7 Levels of Goals for Wealth

Turning Your Goals Into Reality

You Must Program Your Goals Into our Brain with Constant Media Messaging
The Most Powerful Form of Human Behavior Change is Advertising, Not Books

SelfieSpeak Programming to Help You Set Your Goals

Here is How SelfieSpeak Programming Will Help You Set and Reach Your Goals
Your Turn to Create a SelfieSpeak Program for Your Life’s Goals
Change, Edit and Revise Your SSP As Often or As Little As You Want

Your Own Voice Is the Perfect Tool For Building Your Habits

Your Own Voice Is the Perfect Tool For Building Your Habits
Passive Brainwashing for You
Don’t Over-complicate this Make the Simplest Audio Production Ever

Simple Tech Steps In Creating Your Own SelfieSpeak Programming

No Problem If You Hate Technology
Simple Solutions to Common Problems When Making Your Audios
Nobody Likes the Sound of their Own Voice
Improving Every Single SelfieSpeak Audio

You Now Have the Power to Control Your Own Habits

This Is How Long You Should Use SelfieSpeak Programming
Build the Habit of Continual Improvement
Revise, edit, Delete, Recreate Your Selfiespeak Audios
Put All Your Habits Together Now

How to Answer the Critics of the Law of Attraction

Here is How to Respond to Critics of the Law of Attraction
No, It Isn’t Really a Secret and It’s Not Effortless

Conclusion to The Complete Law Of Attraction Course Updated for the 2020s

We Are Almost Done!
Reach Higher and Higher Levels of Success By Seeking Constant Improvement
Congratulations! You Are Ready to Live a Law of Attraction Life of Fulfillment