The Complete Journaling Course: Build Self-Awareness Habits

Learn the Journaling Habit – Increase Self-awareness Improve Note-Taking Skills Avoid Procrastination Organize Your Life

What you will learn


Bullet journal



Conquering procrastination

How to build a daily Journaling habit


The Complete Journaling Course: Build Self-Awareness Habits
Learn the Journaling Habit – Increase Self-awareness Improve Note-Taking Skills Avoid Procrastination Organize Your Life

You can lead a more fulfilled life, a more productive life, and a happier life through the practice of daily journaling. Journaling can seem intimidating to those who have not started the process, but it is easy to begin and maintain once you understand the basics.

From Albert Einstein to Marie Curie, many of the greatest innovators in history or committed practitioners of journaling. Now, you too can build Journaling on a regular basis.

Here are just some of the ways your life will improve with daily journaling:

* Become more organized

* Lead a more purposeful life

* Feel less stress

* Develop more creativity

* Learn more

* Experience growth in all aspects of life

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You will also learn more skills in the following areas:

* Note-taking

* Self-Awareness

* Procrastination

Whether you call it writing in your diary, keeping a journal, bullet journaling or journaling, the basic practice of recording your thoughts on life is a sound one. Journaling has existed for millennia, and yet there are new techniques to this practice involving technology to make it easier than ever before.

TJ Walker is one of the preeminent personal development experts in the world, with more than 1 million student enrollments on the Udemy platform alone.

If you are ready to begin your journaling habit today, then enroll in this course now.

Here is what Udemy students say about this course:

“Thank you for this very informational course. I had been thinking about journaling for a while but was unsure of how and where to start. This course has given me plenty of food for thought and the kick I needed to actually start a daily journal.” Alison Roux

“I like TJ keeping it straight and simple, one idea at a time, so we can understand it better” Johnatan Cardona



Organizing A Meaningful Life for You Through Daily Journaling

Quick Win! Here Is An Easy Way to Do Journaling
Quick Win! You Can Start Off with Baby Steps and Sentences
This Is What Journaling Is
Give Yourself a Daily Journaling Quota from 3 Sentences to 3 Pages or More
Journaling for the Only Audience that Matters – Yourself
Don’t Forget, This Course Is Interactive – Post Your Questions and Comments Here
Here Is Why You Might Want to Listen to Me
Decide How Much time You Want To Invest Daily In Your Journaling
Pick And Choose the Style of Journaling that Works Best for You

Let’s Get Started With Our Journaling

Don’t Wait Another Day to Start
This Is the Perfect Time of Day for You to Journal
Find the Right Way to Organize Your Journal

Fundamentals for Most Strong Journaling Practices

Essential Elements to Cover In Your Journaling
I Am Grateful For…

Journaling Topics To Write On Daily

Write One Pithy Saying Today
Write a Life Tip for Yourself (And Others)
Write 500 Words Per Day On Some Topic Of Passion for You

Journal to Structure Core Daily Activities

Schedule A Deep Work Session
Limit Morning News Consumption to 30 Minutes
Daily Meditation
Schedule Entire Day
Limit Self to One Hour Of Video Entertainment

Journaling Habits Designed to Foster Creativity

Unleash You Inner Poet
Draw a Picture
Take One Photo
Write One Joke A Day
Read One Aphorism
Play a Game
Question of the Day
Come Up with Lots of BAD Ideas
Consume a Great Work of Art

Quick Yes or No Checklist Items for Daily Journaling

Visualize All Of Your long-term Goals
Say “No” to Anything That Isn’t Interesting, Important or Fun
Watch a How-to Video In the Shower
Think About Touching Your Cell Phone Less
Reflect for 10 Seconds On How You Are doing On Your Daily Habits
Reflect That My Self-Identity Is Now Based On Fulfilling My Daily Habits

Checklist Items Related to Health and Exercise

Weigh Yourself
Stretch for 20 Seconds
Do 20 Jumping Jacks
Tense Every Muscle in Your Body at Once for 10 Seconds
Wear a Posture Brace
Using Your Journal to Stay in Shape
Do As many Pull-Ups as Possible in 60 Seconds
60 Second Posture Exercise
Focus On Ways to Get a Better Night’s Sleep
Get 8 Hours of Sleep

Learning Habits

Read a Paper Book for 1 Hour Before Bed
Learn One New Word

Nighttime Rituals

Prepare for a Great Night’s Sleep
Be In Bed By…
What Is the Number 1 Problem You Want Your Subconscious to Solve While Sleeping?

Daily Diet Habits

Use Journaling to Keep Your Diet On Track
Eat Smaller Portions
Limit Myself to One Cup of Coffee
Start the Day Drinking a Large Glass of Water
Eat Slower
Only Use a Small Bowl for Dessert
Maintain Your Ideal Weight

Habits to Enhance Your Personal Life

Spend a Few Minutes Planning Your Personal Life
You Remember Everybody’s Name

Simple Affirmations to Read and Acknowledge Daily

Aphorisms to Live By
Nothing Bothers You
Focus On all Successes, Quickly Forget all Failures
Eliminate the Non-Essential

Things to Make you Feel Good

Time to Pump You Up
Decide to Be Happy About One Thing Right Now
Schedule Daily Fun time
Read One Joke Per Day
Celebrate Every Habit Victory with a Big Smile
Start Each Morning Saying “This Is Going to Be a Fantastic Day”
What Are you Optimistic About Right Now?
What Is Working Well In Life?
What Do You Deserve to Celebrate Today?
What Rewards Am I Getting From My Habits?
Identify One Area In Life Where You are Making Improvement

Here are Daily Habits I Journal On Every Day that Are Specific Just to Me

Listen to My SelfieSpeak Programming
Watch My SelfieMedia Program

Categories for Journaling Specific to Your Profession

Use Your Personal Journal to Advance Professionally
Think About How to Build Better Habits

Conclusion to Morning Journaling Session

This Is the End of My Morning Journaling Session

Evening Journaling Session

Let’s Begin The Evening Journaling Session
Reach Out to a Friend

Evening Productivity Checklist

Create Daily Social Media Video
Listen to Audio Book
Read More, Email Less
Maintain To-Do Lists
Don’t look At Email More than Twice a Day
Don’t Look At Social Media More Than Once a Day
Empty Email Box By End of Day
Put To-Do Items On Calendar with Due Dates
Get Rid of One Thing
Read Subject Matter Niche At least 15 Minutes
Clean Desk and Office
Quit Work by 3:59 PM
Office Computer Off by 4:00 PM
Read One Book
Complete Daily Checklist

Evening Health, Exercise and Diet Checklist

Schedule a Digital Detox Walk
Avoid All Processed and Added Sugars
Don’t Snack
Eat Only One Plate of food Per Meal
Drink No Alcohol After 6 PM
Do As Many Push-ups As Possible in 60 Seconds
Lift Weights
Sprint for 60 Seconds
Walk 12,500 Steps

Evening Personal Reflections

Don’t Get Angry
Create Something of Lasting Value

Other End of Day Reflections

Reflect on 3 Good Things That Happened Today
Reflect On Fact That You Have Accomplished At Least 90% of Your Journal Goals

Other Evening To-Do Items

No Gossip
Listen To Music That Makes You Happy

Other Bedtime Prep

Look At Therapy Light
Take a Hot Soak

Conclusion To the Complete Journaling Course

We Are Near the End
Time to Reflect On This Course
Good Luck to a Lifetime of Journaling and Living a Fulfilled Life!