The Brand Equation

Introduction to brand storytelling for marketing

What you will learn

Learning the role of story in branding and marketing

Understanding the principle tools of brand storytelling

Considering the ethical implications of brand storytelling

Ability to create their own brand stories



An introduction to storytelling for businesses, entrepreneurs and other marketers

“The first rule of brand storytelling is…it’s not your story.” ~ Damien Walter

We all know that telling a great story is one of the best ways to build a thriving business.

But what is a story? And how do we use them to create powerful brands?

Based on 10 years of academic research The Brand Equation introduces unique insights into brand storytelling for marketers of all kinds. Part One explores the Brand Equation, a simple and direct way to understand the power of storytelling in marketing. Part Two explores the 7 parts of powerful storytelling and how they apply to businesses of all sizes.

Damien Walter is an expert in the art of story. He writes for world class media brands including The Guardian, BBC, and Wired. He teaches The Rhetoric of Story to over 40,000 students worldwide, and consults for businesses in technology, healthcore, finance and digital media to help them tell great stories.

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1.”Your brand is a story unfolding across all customer touch points.” -Jonah Sachs

2. “Products are made in a factory,

but brands are created in the mind.”-Walter Landor

3. “A brand is no longer what we tell the consumer it is—it is what consumers tell each other it is.” – Scott Cook

4. “Branding is the art of differentiation” -David Brier

5. “Positioning is finding the right parking space inside the consumer’s mind and going for it before someone else takes it.” -Laura Busche

6. “Every interaction in any form, is branding.” -Seth Godin



Part One – The Brand Equation

The Brand Equation
What is brand storytelling?
Peter Thiel’s 3 kinds of business
Brand = Product + ?
The First Rule
How brands lie
The marketing warhead

Part Two – How To Build A Story Bomb

Change – Coke is America
Self – Apple and the creator class
Other – Sex does not sell
Conflict – the power of outrage
Events & Structure – 4 contemporary marketing strategies
Emotion – Just do it
Question & Answer