Submission Yoga
What you will learn
Learn how to properly relax
How to stand still
How to breathe to cultivate energy and develop spirit
How to submit
How to ascend to Heaven
In this course, you will learn how to ascend. We first introduce the concepts of enlightenment, then dive deep into exploring and practicing the methods involved. This course will cause transcendence, The Ascension and Heaven on Earth to expand. With the planet in peril, we as ascended protectors and nurturers, must play our part in saving Nature and facilitate humanity’s transition into sustainability. Join us in our quest to build a better world for everyone, to increase the quality of Life all around, and to create a Heavenly vibe throughout earth.
Thank you for your interest in the course. Ascension is happening and I pray to see you in the future, to build a world together that satisfies the God and helps humanity sustain longer. It’s important to become sustainable to ensure the future of humanity, since it currently is endangered. Yes, that’s right. Unfortunately for life on earth, 96% of all wildlife has become extinct. However, if humanity can manage to lift the broken spirit up into the light again, we have a chance at recreating earth, as Heavenly as possible.
Thank you for your support of sustainability and even if you don’t buy this instruction manual on The Ascension Method, join your local sustainability movement or get the ball rolling in your town. Thank you. The earth thanks you. You won’t regret it.
Rising Breath
Develop Sight
Descending Light
The heart
The Hands