The 10 Laws for Personal Success – The Complete Course

Personal Success Can Be Yours – The TJ Walker SSP System for Success Is Fast, Simple and Easy

What you will learn

Personal Success

Personal Development

Personal Transformation


SelfieSpeak Programming (SSP)


The 10 Laws for Personal Success – The Complete Course

Personal success…it can be yours. You can achieve your goals in life, have a great career, build strong relationships, and live your life‘s purpose. Nobody was born with personal success;  it is a function of applying skills in a systematic way throughout life.

TJ Walker is one of the top personal development trainers in the world and coaches people on the elements of personal success, personal development, and personal transformation. His unique system of using SelfieSpeak Programming (SSP) is a groundbreaking method for creating permanent habit change. And best of all, it doesn’t require will power or new reserves of self-discipline.

If you are looking for personal success and you realize that just reading another book or taking another course isn’t necessarily going to do the trick, then this system is for you. TJ Walker works with real people who struggle with willpower, self-discipline, and every other human flaw, because he has all of those too.

This is a personal success system that is incredibly easy to follow, simple, and it gets real results. Please check out the promo video or go ahead and enroll today in The 10 Laws for Personal Success – The Complete Course.

Subscribe to latest coupons on our Telegram channel.

Here is what Udemy students say about this course:

“Great course! very inspiring. Thank you TJ” Kei T

“Great course! I really think I can change my life using the tools I learned. Thanks!” Enrique Palos

“This course is very amazing !!!” Liyan Nurchalifah



Law #1 Define Your Own Personal Success on Your Own Terms

Promo Video The 10 Laws for Personal Success – The Complete Course
Quick Win Here Is How To Be More Successful in Just One…
This Is What It Means To Have Personal Success in the 2020s
This Is Where Your Course Is Ending Up …With Your Personal Success
You Will Never Have to Settle for an Average Life Again
Crafting Your Own, Unique Vision for Personal Success
Time To Program Your Brain for Success
Course Update! Live Instructor Office Hours are Now Available

Law #2 Program Yourself to Be Successful On a Daily Basis

Grab Your Own Attention Now
You Are Proactive In Life, Never Reactive The Way Most People Are
The SelfieSpeak Audio Solution
Creating Your own Audios Is Always Better
Your Daily Habits SelfieSpeak Audio
The Easiest Way to Rewire Your Brain
Passive Brainwashing for You
No Problem If You Hate Technology
Simple Solutions to Common Problems When Making Your Audios
Nobody Likes the Sound of their Own Voice
Improving Every Single SelfieSpeak Audio
Your Turn to Make Your Own SelfieSpeak Audio for Personal Success

Law #3 Consume Great Ideas, Content, and Entertainment Daily

Model Yourself After Successful People
Gain Focus Just On Essential News for You
Set for Yourself a Strict News Diet
The Essential Apps Only
Now You Have Time for You
You Deserve the Highest Quality Entertainment
Lifelong Learning Is an Essential Ingredient to Personal Success
Program Your Brain to Consume The Exact Quantity & Quality of Content You Want

Law #4 Consume Mostly Plants and Real, Unprocessed Food

Dramatically improve the Quality of What Goes In Your Mouth
You Can Only Manage What You Measure, Including Your Weight
Here Is How Successful People Think About Eating
You Aren’t Paranoid – The World Is Trying To Poison You
Avoiding Insane PORTIONS
The Art of Eating At Restaurants
Drink, But Not to Excess
All Diets Work…But Only In the Short-Term
Successful People Drink Water All Day Long
You Decide Exactly What You Want to Eat On A Daily Basis

Law #5 Stop Buying Junk You Don’t Need or Want

Be Highly Selective On What You Buy and Keep
Getting Your House In Order
You Are No Longer Open for Marketers Business 24/7
The Pause Button Is More Important Than the 1-Click Button
Organized Desk, Organized Mind
Nice Things, Not the Most Things
Here Is How You Will Buy and Organize Your Stuff

Law #6 Strengthen and Test Your Body Daily

Create Unlimited Energy
Alarm Clocks are Great If You Want Sleep Deprivation
Walk, Walk, Walk
Embrace Your Laziness And find Something That Works for You
Your Unique Physical Needs Must Be Met
Create Your Daily Physical Routine Now

Law #7 Think, Reflect and Mediate Daily On Your Own Thoughts

Just Your Thoughts
Never Experiencing Boredom Will Make You Boring
Me Time Reflection Time Think Time
Dear Diary, This May sound Silly But…
Program Your Reflection Time

Law #8 Build and Maintain Friendships and Family Relationships

Create a Strong Social and Family Life
Decide What Is More Important, a Relationship or a Text
Establish Your Own Cell Phone Culture
Face-To-Face Beats ‘Like”
Meeting people In the Real World Still Works
Establish Your Social Goals Now

Law #9 Make, Keep and Grow the Wealth You Truly Want

You Don’t Have to Be a Billionaire to Be Successful
You Can Figure Out a Way to Not Worry About Money
Avoid Paying Fees Like the Plague
What Financial Gurus Do Is More Important than What They Say
Invest In Yourself
Learning Hard, Valuable Skills Will Make You Wealthy
Successful People Might Change Jobs, But they Never Retire
Create Your Own Financial Goals

Law #10 Create Something Valuable Daily

Create Something New Every Day
We Live In the Golden Era of Creation
Creators Develop Focus in Life
Create a Meaningful Legacy
Determine What You Want to Produce Daily

Conclusion You Are On Your Way to Personal Success

I Wish You Immense Personal Success
And Now Let’s Put It All Together