Stress management in 3D: Reduce stress and prevent symptoms.

An integrated and comprehensive approach to preventing and reducing stress

What you will learn

You will be able to reduce your stress symptoms fast

You will learn helpful models to understand stress

You will be able to recognise stress symptoms in your self and others

You will learn to reduce stress and improve productivity and well-being

You will learn some effective research based methods for stress reduction

You will have a whole list of stress management strategies to choose from

You will understand the causes of stress in your personal life

You will be able to prevent and manage work related stress

You will know more about stress in general



Feeling stressed out? If your daily life feels like a whirlwind of kids, career, chaos, and commitments, it’s time to take control. Taking care of yourself now, can reduce fatigue, prevent burn out and help you to stay calm when next the stressors hit.

The dictionary tells us that stress is a state of mental or emotional strain resulting from demanding circumstances but, of course, there is a zillion of those circumstances these days!

As such, it is safe to say that stress is an inevitable part of life for everyone. You could be stressed from work or from navigating life decisions, the list goes on and on. We either learn to manage stress or get consumed by it. This is why it is important to talk about stress management so that it doesn’t take control of your life and wreak havoc on your health.

Why concern yourself with stress management?

Did you know that stress is a powerful indicator of overall well-being?

Managing stress will lead to a happier, healthier, and more energized version of you. Stress management also helps with improving your mood, which in turn boosts the immune system, and promotes longevity.

In this course, you will learn:

The nature of stress and its common causes

  • the benefits of stress management
  • how to recognize stress symptoms in yourself and others.
  • How to tackle stress symptoms and common indicators, such as anxiety, depression, panic, poor sleep, poor wellbeing, low self-confidence, and low self-esteem.
  • the important models for understanding stress
  • How to reduce stress effectively through the 3D approach

Identifying and navigating work-related stress

  • How to spot the causes of work-related stress and deal with them
  • How to prevent and manage work-related stress
  • How to use your thoughts to reduce stress
  • Learning the various types of work-related stress
  • Stress management for productivity at work-place

Evading stress in your personal life

  • How to spot the causes of stress in your personal life
  • How to cope with stress in your personal life
  • the well-being triangles to help you understand and prevent stress
  • How to use your feelings relationships to reduce stress
  • How to use your body and behavior to reduce stress
  • And much more

Why do we get stressed?

Everyone experiences stress, but many don’t know how to manage it, meanwhile, unmanaged stress can have devastating effects some of which will be discussed below.

When major life stressors come up, it is important to handle them properly to avoid getting hurt. A questionnaire revealed that the top five most stressful life events are: death of a loved one, divorce, moving, major illness or injury, and job loss.

There is a very thin line between stress management and health management. After experiencing stressful life events, people often break down and fall ill. That is because accumulated stress can aggravate health challenges and other issues; for example, it may affect digestive health, inflammation, the immune system, bone density, sexual health, sleep, anxiety, etc. If you aren’t careful, stress may amplify ailments that were under control before.

Stress is normal but can be monitored.

It’s normal to feel stressed sometimes, but if you always feel under pressure, it can have negative impacts on your mind and body. This is because stress is supposed to be a short-term response to tension and not a constant state of being.

How does stress impact you?

Stress has a bigger impact on your health than you might realize. Stress plays a major role in how your body functions. It can affect your mood, your immune system, your neurotransmitters, and have a host of effects on your mental, physical, and emotional health. Stress can impact your brain all on its own, but it is worse when you don’t take care of your health.

Has your stress resulted in any of the side effects or symptoms of unmanaged stress that includes headaches, digestive problems, sleep issues, irritability, decreased productivity, problems with memory or with concentration, weight gain or loss, and increased blood pressure or heart rate?

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Are you finding it hard to eat or stick to a diet? Stress can make it harder to stick to a diet or exercise routine, and often distracts people from their daily meditation regimens.

Did you know insomnia, under or overeating, irritability, and depression can all be triggered by stress, and these conditions then make illnesses and chronic diseases even worse? Stress can prolong certain diseases and conditions for years.

Additionally, Stress can contribute to several mental and emotional disorders including anxiety, phobias, and panic attacks. Emotional stress can make it difficult to focus, make decisions, think things through, or remember things. Stress may also cause irritability, making you easily frustrated and impatient with others, and can even contribute to depression, anger, feelings of insecurity, and relationship conflicts.

For some, they might lead to long-term problems such as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, which is a condition of persistent mental and emotional stress.

Stress is not all bad if you manage it.

Hold on! Stress is not all bad if managed properly. Otherwise, what can you say about people who scaled difficult periods and experienced growth afterward? This phenomenon has even caught the attention of professionals and is now called Post-Traumatic Growth. How is it that these individuals come through the trauma with a positive response? And even more importantly, how can more of us experience this? That is where stress management and utilization come in.

Stress is a problem when it is constant or when the situation that brings about it goes out of your control. When the latter happens, it is important to know how to cope with stress.

Strategies you will learn that will help reduce stress include:

  • Relaxation
  • Sleep
  • Exercise
  • Visualization
  • Gratitude
  • Meditation
  • Reframing
  • Journaling
  • And much more

About the instructor:

The instructor is uniquely positioned to help you learn about stress management: As an organizational psychologist, He/she daily helps both individuals and organizations deal with stress – whether it be reducing unpleasant symptoms in the individual or making organizational changes to prevent stress, and/or improve employee wellbeing. The instructor regularly holds workshops, seminars, and courses on stress management. He/she often conducts one-on-one stress coaching sessions with leaders as well as their workers. He/she likewise engages in organizational stress management interventions where stress factors are investigated, and the best solutions are developed to prevent and reduce stress among employees.

Stress Management Course:

Stress is mutable and comes in different shades. It is unwise to learn all the types of stress possible; rather, it is better to learn how to adapt, adjust, and control stress and to utilize those skills in tackling stress regardless of its nature.

To this end, one cannot emphasize enough that you find what works for you!

It is helpful to find the methods of relaxation and self-care that work best for you. This course will teach you what to expect when confronted with stressful circumstances and prepare you so you’re ready to perform when stress arrives. You’ll also learn to accept the things that you can’t control.

This course is for everyone: men, women, nursing mothers, pregnant women, adults, and children.

Did you recognize any stress symptoms? Let’s start the journey of helping you to fix them now by enrolling in this course.

Have you been smacked down by stressful events, and you are finding a way to get yourself up again?

Do you need a strategy to manage your day-to-day activities?

Do you want to go from striving to survive?

This Stress Management course is for you.

Enrol today.




Welcome to the course
How to get the most out of this course?

Understanding stress

Introduction to the section on stress
What is stress?
The benefits of stress management
The symptoms of stress in individuals
The signs of stress in groups and organisations
Stress tests
Introduction to understanding stress
The job demands – resource model
Modifying factors
The transactional stress model
The 4A model and serenity prayer
Coping strategies

Introducing the triangles of thriving

Introduction to the triangles

Causes of stress in the work place

Causes of stress at work
Reflexion on work hazards

Managing stress at work with the job crafting triangle

Warm up activity – The dream job
The dream job follow up
Introduction to job crafting
The effects of job crafting
More on cognitive job crafting: meaning and purpose
Job crafting activity: 3 questions
Conclusion and summary of job crafting section

The private life triangle – causes of stress in our personal lives.

Introduction to the private life triangle
Introduction to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
The private triangle
Examples of stressors in our lives
Activity related to the private triangle – 4A categories

Introduction to the personal triangle

The personal triangle

Managing stress through thought related interventions

Introduction to thought related interventions
Mindfulness and meditation
Mindfulness exercise – breathing space
Developing a sense of meaning and purpose
Focus on learning
SMS reframing a simple reframing exercise
Problem solving
Activity – problem solving exercise
Gratitude exercise 1
Gratitude exercise 2
Digital detox

Managing stress through feelings and relationships

Introduction to feelings and relationships related interventions
Focusing on your strengths activity
Strength survey by VIA
Hobbies and pleasurable activities
Introduction to the visualisation exercise
Visualisation exercise
Journaling activity
Nature activity
Resolving conflicts

Managing stress through our body

Introduction to managing stress through our body and behaviour
Exercise activity
Relaxation exercises
Relaxation activity – Progressive muscle relaxation
Autogenic training
Deep breathing
Activity – Deep breathing exercise
Breathing apps and websites
Rest and breaks



Additional content – The CLASS learning model

Introduction to the CLASS learning model
Commit to your learning
Learn what is necessary
Apply your learning
Using SMART goals to apply your learning
Support for your learning
Strengthen and sustain your learning
CLASS conclusion
Your first SMART goal