Kotler’s Strategic Marketing Management Case Examples

Based on over 40 years’ experience in companies like Unilever and Johnson & Johnson

What you will learn

Solution to all the cases given in 16th edition

Answer to all the questions asked at the each chapter in 14th edition

Recap of all 21 chapters from 16th edition

A quick summary of the concepts taught by Kotler


Want to learn Marketing Management much better than just reading Kotler? Want to really do well in your marketing exams and interviews?

Look at this Udemy course only where you can

  • Not only recap all the marketing concepts quickly in 9 hours but also
  • Learn them in depth by knowing the solutions to all the cases in 16th edition and questions in 14th edition
  • Preview 50% of lectures to see the content for yourself
  • Clear your doubts on this topic any time while doing the course
  • Get Udemy’s 30 days Money Back Guarantee

I also started my marketing journey in life by reading Kotler’s Marketing Management when I was doing my MBA from Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore in 1979-81. I must have referred it over one hundred times since then. One of gaps which exists even today is that there is no way to know whether you have solved the cases right or given the right answer to the questions he has asked at the end of each chapter.

This course is about filling that gap and giving a frame of reference which, you can use to know one of the right answers to those questions and cases from a marketing professional with over 40 years’ experience in companies like Unilever and Johnson & Johnson

You can also use it as document to recap concepts of any of the chapter whenever needed.

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“Great course. Fulfills a gap of the solutions to the cases given in Kotler’s Marketing Management.”

“Great course. Latest marketing knowledge with all the answers to Kotler’s cases!”

“Really clear explanation of Kotler’s latest marketing concepts. Enjoyed the practical aspect of cases discussed. Highly recommended to apply the knowledge gained here in real life.”

“I found this course useful for a quick snapshot of Marketing management book of Kotler. Specially 16th edition is covered”

Preview for yourself 50% of lectures covering each section. If you like the content, enroll for the course, enjoy and learn a lot more about Marketing Management by doing the cases and questions given in Kotler’s Marketing Management and checking against this Frame of Reference! If do not like the content, please message about how can we modify it to meet your expectations.

Please remember that this course comes with Udemy’s 30 days Money Back Guarantee using which you can get a full refund if you are not satisfied even after doing the full course





Fundamentals of Marketing Management

Chapter 1- Defining Marketing for the New Realities
Chapter 2- Marketing Planning and Management

Understanding The Markets

Chapter 3- Analyzing Consumer Markets
Chapter 4- Analyzing Business Markets
Chapter 5- Conducting Market Research

Developing a Viable Market Strategy

Chapter 6- Identifying Market Segment and Target Customers
Chapter 7- Crafting a Customer Value Proposition and Positioning

Designing Value

Chapter 8-Designing and Managing Products
Chapter 9- Designing and Managing Services
Chapter 10- Building Strong Brands
Chapter 11- Managing Pricing and Sales Promotion

Communicating Value

Chapter 12- Managing Marketing Communications
Chapter 13- Designing an integrated Marketing Campaign in the Digital Age
Chapter 14- Personal Selling and Direct Marketing

Delivering Value

Chapter 15- Designing and Managing Distribution Channels
Chapter 16- Managing Retailing

Managing Growth

Chapter 17- Driving Growth in Competitive Markets
Chapter 18- Developing New Market Offerings
Chapter 19- Building Customer Loyalty
Chapter 20- Tapping into Global Markets
Chapter 21- Socially Responsible Marketing

