Setup LAMP Stack on a Remote Cloud Server + PHP Foundations

Cloud Computing Foundations | Instance Deployment | LAMP Stack Configuration | Database Deployment | PHP Basics

What you will learn

The benefits of cloud computing over traditional on-premises data centers.

Foundations of Cloud Computing Service Models

Setting up and navigating a Linode account

Securing a Linode account with TFA

Remote Server Administration via SSH

Securely Authenticating to a Virtual Instance Remotely using SSH Key Pairs

Foundations of the Linux Filesystem

Linux Maintenance and Configuration

Linux Use Accounts and System Security

Foundations of Web Servers

Foundations of DBMSes and Database Transaction Standards

Foundations of SQL vs NoSQL Databases

Installing and Configuring LAMP Stack on Ubuntu

Testing MariaDB & PHP on Apache

A Beginners Guide to Coding in PHP [Variables, Arrays, Functions, Loops, Conditional Statements, etc.)


In this course you will learn the foundations of LAMP Stack and PHP. LAMP is an acronym for a popular group of software packages used to deliver high-performance web applications. LAMP is most commonly used to denote Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP. However, MySQL and PHP are often swapped for alternative software solutions such as MariaDB, and Python.

The course starts with a detailed overview on setting up and configuring an instance remotely using terminal and terminal emulators such as PuTTY. Here, students learn the foundations of Linux and various Linux distributions such as Ubuntu to securely power web servers. Students will learn various Linux maintenance and directory commands, coupled with user account configuration and disabling root user access. From there, we dive into the foundations of database management systems and explore the difference between SQL and NoSQL databases. We also explore the two main database transaction standards, including ACID and CAP theorem.

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Once students have a solid understand on the foundations of cloud computing, we demonstrate how to securely install and configure LAMP Stack on Ubuntu. The installation will be complete with MariaDB and PHP, whereby students will learn to execute database commands directly from server-side PHP scripts. The course concludes with an entire section devoted to PHP development, where we explore just about every aspect of PHP syntax to code dynamic web content.

As you can see this course covers a tremendous bit of ground and we hope you’re just as excited about this course as we are, if so – hit that enroll button and let’s get started.



Introduction to Cloud Computing

Intro to Cloud Computing
Benefits of Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing Service Models

Linux Server Deployment on Linode

Linode Account Setup
Exploring the Linode Cloud Manager
Enabling TFA on Linode
Deploying a Linode Virtual Instance
Exploring the Linode Instance Dashboard
Remote Server Admin via SSH
Password vs SSH Key Authentication
SSH Key Pair Authentication on Windows
SSH Key Pair Authentication on MacOS
Connecting with LISH
Adding SSH Public Keys to Linode

Linux Foundations

Introduction to Linux
The Linux Filesystem
Linux Maintenance Commands
Linux Directory Commands [Part 1]
Linux Directory Commands [Part 2]
Ubuntu Basic Server Configuration
Introduction to User Accounts
Creating a Non-Root Account
Securing the New User Account
Disabling Root User Access and Password Authentication

Web Server and Database Foundations

Introduction to Web Servers
Self Hosting vs Hosting Provider
Web Server Software (NGINX vs Apache)
Introduction to Databases
SQL vs NoSQL Databases
Database Transaction Standards (ACID vs CAP)
CAP Theorem for NoSQL Databases
Characteristics of SQL vs NoSQL DBMSes
Key Terms: Stacks, Frameworks, & Languages [Part 1]
Key Terms: Stacks, Frameworks, & Languages [Part 2]
Key Terms: Stacks, Frameworks, & Languages [Part 3]

LAMP Stack Installation and Configuration

Installing LAMP Stack on Ubuntu via Command Line
Installing LAMP Stack using Linode Marketplace
Testing PHP on Apache
Testing MariaDB Connection from PHP [Part 1]
Testing MariaDB Connection from PHP [Part 2]
Remote Server Administration using Linode GLISH

PHP Foundations

PHP Introduction
PHP Preparation
PHP File Test
PHP Syntax
PHP Variables
PHP Variable Scope
PHP Global Keyword
PHP Static Keyword
PHP Echo – Print
PHP Data Types
PHP Objects
PHP Strings
PHP Constants
PHP Operators
PHP Conditional Statements
PHP ElseIf Statement
PHP Switch Statement
PHP While Loops
PHP For Loops
PHP Functions
PHP Functions Continued
PHP Arrays
PHP Multidimensional Arrays
PHP Sorting Arrays
PHP Superglobal Variables
PHP Forms Introduction
PHP POST vs GET Basics
PHP Form Output and Validation
PHP Form Required Fields
PHP Validation Continued