SEO Masterclass(2023): Post AI and Chat GPT world

Claim the #1 Spot on Google! Dominate the Digital landscape and succeed with Expert SEO Strategies now!

What you will learn

Master the art of SEO

Unlock the secrets of successful keyword research, link building, and content optimization

Discover the power of social media, influencer marketing, and online reviews in amplifying your brand’s online presence and driving targeted traffic.

Stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of SEO with insights on the post-AI and GPT4 era, ensuring your strategies align with the latest search engine advancement


Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) Mastery: A Comprehensive Guide to Boost Your Website’s Ranking

In today’s digital world, having a well-optimized website is essential for gaining visibility, attracting traffic, and growing your business. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) plays a vital role in achieving these goals, and this course is here to teach you how to master SEO in detail.

This course covers all the essential elements of SEO, from planning your SEO strategy to optimizing your site’s content, structure, and backlinks. You’ll learn how to build a mobile-friendly website, craft compelling meta descriptions and titles, research keywords, and create high-quality content that both users and search engines love. We’ll also cover off-page optimization, including link building, social media, influencer marketing, and online reviews, and how to stay ahead of the competition in the post-AI and GPT4 world.

What Will You Learn:

  • The fundamentals of SEO and why it’s essential for businesses
  • Planning your SEO strategy and setting realistic goals
  • On-page SEO techniques for optimizing your content, site structure, and URL structure
  • Crafting catchy meta descriptions and titles
  • Internal linking and improving your site’s user experience
  • Off-page SEO techniques for building high-quality backlinks and leveraging social media, content marketing, and influencer marketing
  • Keyword research and analysis
  • Best practices for building a mobile-friendly website
  • Improving your page speed and site performance
  • The latest trends in SEO and how to adapt to the post-AI and GPT4 era
  • Practical tips and tricks for making your app shine on any app store


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Upon completion of this course, you’ll receive a certification recognizing your expertise in SEO and your ability to implement practical strategies for improving your website’s ranking.

Join this course risk-free, backed by our no-questions-asked, 30-day money-back guarantee from Udemy. Invest in yourself, unlock the secrets of SEO, and ignite your digital success.

Enrol today!



About the Instructor

Introduction of Siddhesh Joglekar


Course Overview
Planning SEO
What is SEO – The marketing channel
Core of SEO – On Page
Core of SEO – Off Page
Why Do you need SEO?

Components of On-Page SEO

Site Structure
URL Structure
Meta Descriptions
Internal Linking

Components of Off-Page SEO

Link Building
Social Media
Content Marketing
Online Reviews
Influencer Marketing

The Two Conjoined Twins SEO & SEM

Twins of Digital Marketing

AI and SEO

SEO in the post AI and the GPT4 world

Benefits of SEO

Explanation – All benefits covered

15 Practical insights you show not miss from SEO perspective

How to research keywords? – Part 1
How to research keywords? – Part 2
Building Links: Tips and Tricks
Search Engine
Site Maps: Tips and tricks

How to make Website SEO friendly

Know the Magic

How to make your App ASO friendly

6 Tips and Tricks to Make Your App Shine on any App Store: SEO Master Class”

Site Structure