Quick ASP .NET Core 6 & MVC Web Design for absolute beginner

Easily learn Basics of ASP .Net Core MVC – Bootstrap and Entity Framework Database First method

What you will learn

Quick start to basics of ( ASP .Net Core MVC + Entity Framework + Bootstrap )

Using Entity Framework Core with database first method by SQL

Simple examples and easy to learn in depth learning

Using Model, View and Controller in MVC Core

Routing in MVC Core Projects

Working with Layouts

Using ViewBag and ViewData


Hi There!

With my many years programming skills I’m with you to share my knowledge with you.


If you are beginners or student looking for a tutorial that teach ASP .Net Core MVC basics in simplest way!

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If you want really to be a programmer so it’s best place that you can start to learn Asp. net Core MVC basics

This course includes :

  • Start using C# and ASP. Net Core MVC with Visual Studio 2022 From Scratch
  • Structure of MVC website in ASP .NET core
  • Using Controller in MVC core project
  • Views in MVC core project
  • Action in MVC core project
  • Routing in MVC core project
  • Layout in MVC core project
  • ViewStart in MVC core
  • TagHelpers : Navigate between views
  • ViewImports : Navigate between views
  • ViewBag : Transfer data & change page title
  • ViewData : Transfer data & change page title
  • Entity Framework with SQL Database
  • Creating SQL database
  • Creating new project & installing NuGet Packages
  • Generating Models and DbContext
  • Generating Controller and Views
  • Register DbContext and run Web site
  • Secure connection string
  • Deep diving design of ‘Index’ view
  • Using ‘Html.DisplayNameFor’
  • Deep diving ‘Index’ Action in Controller
  • Deep diving design of ‘details’ view
  • Deep diving Action of ‘Delete’ view
  • Deep diving of ‘Create’ view
  • ‘Edit’ view Deep divingand …

Every thing will be discussed with sample project and you will have lot of tips and tricks within my course.

Let’s go !!!




Introduction to this course
Download project files of this course

Download project files of this course

ASP.NET Core project types
Create new MVC project in ASP.Net Core
Strucure of MVC website in ASP.net cor
Build and run MVC website by web serve
Different files & folders inside MVC C


Structure of Controller files & folder
Creating new empty MVC project
Install scaffolded code generator for
Adding Controller to new project

View , Action

What is the View in MVC Core?
Adding Views to MVC project
What is the Action in MVC Core?
Adding Actions to MVC project


What is the Routing in MVC Core?
Adding Routing to MVC project

Layout in MVC core

What is the Layout in MVC Core?
Adding simple layout to MVC
Change layout name & location

Advance Topics in Mvc Core

What is the ViewStart in MVC Core?
TagHelpers : navigate between views
ViewImports : navigate between views
ViewBag : Transfer data & change page
ViewData : Transfer data & change page

Quick Review of SQL Server

Who should watch this section?
Install SQL 2014 on Windows 10 and Win
Start using SQL server and SSMS
Working with SQL database

Entity Framework with SQL Database

What is Entity Framework?
Structure of Entity Framework
Database first method in Entity Framew
Create sample database
Add sample data to database
Create new project & installing NuGet
Generating Models and DbContext
Generating Controller and Views
Register DbContext and run Web site
Secure connection string

Quick Review of bootstrap

Who should watch this section?
Download project files of this section
Install Bootstrap 5 & Visual Studio code on Win 10
First project in Vs Code and BootStrap
Main parts of bootstrap and containers
What is breakpoints in bootstrap?
Default container
Fluid container
Responsive container
Grid system in bootstrap for responsive webpage
Customize column width in grid
Headings and basic typography
Change back color of Vs code editor
Text color – Back color
Simple padding and margin
Responsive padding and margin
Borders in bootstrap
Round image – Rounded corners
Horizontal text alignment
Display : inline and block
Text utilities
Sizing: Width and height of elements
Project: Design First part in Vs code
Project: Add Responsive YouTube video
Project: Responsive image
Project: Using responsive image
Buttons in bootstrap
Project: Using bootstrap button
Project: Navbar or TopMenu in bootstrap
Project: Design responsive Navbar

Views & Actions in Entity Framework 11 Lectures

Deep diving design of ‘Index’ view
Using ‘Html.DisplayNameFor’
Using ‘Html.DisplayFor’ to show data
Customize Layout of website
Deep diving ‘Index’ Action in Controller
Deep diving design of ‘details’ view
‘Details’ Action in Controller
Design of ‘Delete’ view
Deep diving Action of ‘Delete’ view
Deep diving of ‘Create’ view
‘Edit’ view Deep diving