Prometheus MasterClass 2024: Infra Monitoring & Alerting

Prometheus with Grafana from BASIC to ADVANCE level. Complete Prometheus Guide to Master DevOps Infra Monitoring – 2023

What you will learn

Learn Full In & Out of Prometheus toolkit with proper HANDS-ON examples from scratch.

Start with the implementation of Prometheus core concepts – Architecture, Installation, PromQL, Exporters, Functions, Operators, etc.

Using Grafana to Visualize Prometheus Metrics.

Create custom metrics from complicated queries and save them as Recording Rules

Pushgateway, Service Discovery, Recording Rules, Routing Trees, Create Custom Exporter, HTTP API, and many more…


“Prometheus is an open-source tool used for event monitoring and alerting.”

We learn the basics of Prometheus so that you can get started as soon as possible, and to follow the exercises, try them out for yourself and you can see them working.

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In this course, we will quickly build a bare-bones Prometheus server from scratch, in the cloud, and on your own Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.

What’s included in the course?

  • Complete Prometheus concepts explained from Scratch to ADVANCE with Real-Time implementation.
  • Each and every Prometheus concept is explained with HANDS-ON examples.
  • Includes each and every, even thin detail of Prometheus.
  • For every concept, first, we will cover its theoretical stuff, followed by its running example.
  • Include even those concepts, the explanation to which is not very clear even in Prometheus’ Official Documentation.


    • In-and-out of Functions, Operators, Clauses, etc, in Prometheus Query Language (PromQL).
    • Instrument the Python or Go applications to expose custom metrics with Client Libraries.
    • Dynamically add or remove scrape targets using Service Discovery.
    • Recording Rules.
    • Monitor the Amazon Cloud (AWS) with Prometheus.
    • Creating an end-to-end Routing Tree for Alerting systems.
    • *Exclusive*– Create your own Custom Exporter
    • Integration with many Alert Notifiers – Gmail, PagerDuty, Slack.
    • How to scrape from batch jobs using Pushgateway.
    • Build monitoring & alerting design pattern of a Real-Time case study using Prometheus.
    • Build value-added dashboards with GRAFANA.
    • Learn Best practices / Do’s & Don’t to follow while monitoring Real-Time DevOps Projects.

    After completing this course, you can start working on any Prometheus project with full confidence.


  • Questions and Queries will be answered very quickly.
  • Prometheus codes and other resources used in lectures are attached to the course for your convenience.
  • I am going to update it frequently, every time adding new components of Prometheus.


Prometheus MasterClass : Introduction

Course Introduction
Why Prometheus
Terminology of Prometheus
Download Course Source Code From GIT
Prometheus Architecture Overview

How Prometheus Works

DevOps LifeCycle and Monitoring
Push Vs Pull Methods

Prometheus Installation And SetUp

Prometheus Installation and Playground
Create Cloud Machine for Installation
$100 Digital Ocean Referral Link
Installing Prometheus Server
Understanding of Prometheus User Interface
Understanding of Prometheus Configuration File
Run Prometheus in BackGround

Exporters in Prometheus

Exporters Overview
Node Exporter – Linux Monitoring System
WMI Exporter – Windows Monitoring System

Application Instrumentation – Client Library Metrics Guidelines

Client Libraries and Metric Type
SetUp Python Application For instrumentation
Exposing Metrics using Client Libs
Monitor Application using Prometheus
Expose Counter Metrics
Adding Labels to Exposed Metrics
Expose Gauge Metrics
Expose Summy Metrics
Expose Histogram Metrics

Application Instrumentation : Docker Environment

Create a Machine For Docker Application Execution
Adding Instrumentation in Docker Application
Create Docker Image and Execute Application in Container
Monitor Docker Application in Prometheus

Application Instrumentation – Instrument GO Application

SetUp GO Application
Expose Counter Metric on GO App
Expose Gauge Metric on GO App
Expose Summary Metric on GO App
Expose Histogram Metric on GO App

Quantification of Instrumentation

What to Instrument

Prometheus Query Language – PromQL

Datatypes in PromQL
Selectors and Matchers in PromQL
Binary Operator
Groupers in PromQL
Aggregation operators
PromQL Functions – Part 1
PromQL Functions – Part 2

Recording Rules in Prometheus

What is Recording Rule?
Reload Prometheus Config at Runtime
Writing Recording Rules
Writing Recording Rules Part 2
Add Multiple Rules

Alerting Rules in Prometheus

What is Alerting ?
Writing and Firing the Alert
Avoid False Alerts in System
Add Labels on Alerts
Installing Alert Manager
Adding Alert Notifier – GMAIL
Create GMAIL App Password
Sending Alert Notification – GMAIL
Send Additional Information in Alert

Creating Routing Tree for Alerts

Why do you need Routing Tree?
Understanding Routing Tree Use-Case
Prepare Alerting Rules
Implementing the Routing Tree – 1
Implementing the Routing Tree – 2
Implementing the Routing Tree – 3
Run Routing Tree Alerts
Grouping Alerts
Silencing the Alerts
Send Alerts to Multiple StakeHolders

BlackBox Exporter in Prometheus

What is BlackBox Exporter
Download and Configure BlackBox Exporter
HTTP Probe Module I
HTTP Probe Module II
HTTP Probe Module III
TCP Probe Module
DNS Probe Module
Scrape Target From Blackbox
Relabelling in Prometheus

Service Discovery in Prometheus

Service Discovery Introduction
File Bases Service Discovery


Thank You and Bonus Note