PMP Exam prep Practice Test 2023 : PMBOK®7 ED Simulator.

1400 real PMP Practice Test Questions | Pass Project Management Professional PMP Certification by PMI |PMP certification

What you will learn

Develop a comprehensive understanding of the PMP Exam content and format

Utilize 1400 real-life PMP exam questions to practice and enhance exam-taking skills.

Apply project management best practices to initiate, plan, execute, monitor, and close projects

Analyze and interpret project data to make informed decisions and take corrective actions

You will be able to comprehend all the questions as they come with explanations.


Welcome to the  (Project Management Professional)PMP Exam prep!

Are you ready to take your project management skills to the next level and become a part of the exclusive PMP Club?

Our PMP Exam Simulator can help you achieve your PMP credential and make a difference in the world.

What you will get :

  • 6 Full PMP Tests
  • 1400 PMI Exam Questions, including new questions on Agile, Hybrid, and Predictive
  • Detailed explanations for all of the 1400 questions are included in the course, to enhance the learning experience..
  • Simulation of the real exam questions to help you identify knowledge gaps
  • Get a sufficient number of questions to consolidate knowledge and prepare for the PMP exam.
  • Money-back guarantee for 30 days

What makes our PMP test course the best? [BENEFITS FROM THIS COURSE]

Our course is the most comprehensive PMP test available and is designed to help you review your study material through questions and answers. By taking this course, you’ll be able to identify your knowledge gaps, retake the test until you achieve a passing score of over 70%, and be fully prepared for the real exam.

Our course is designed to fully prepare you for the real exam and includes helpful tips, notes, and real questions.

Our PMP test course includes detailed explanations for all of the 1400 questions included in the course. These explanations will enhance the learning experience and increase the likelihood of passing the PMP exam.

How to use this course?

You don’t have to attempt all 250 questions. If you are proficient enough, it’s not necessary.

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However, if you’re not skilled enough, you might need to practice repeatedly.

1400 questions are a lot more than what you need to pass the exam. If you don’t have much time, you can do about 50% of the questions in each practice test and click the “Finish test” button; that’s enough.

The goal is to practice enough to build confidence and improve test-taking skills without getting bogged down by attempting too many questions.

Important areas covered:

  1. Project Integration Management
  2. Project Scope Management
  3. Project Time Management
  4. Project Cost Management

Why PMP? [about the PMP® Certification]

Earning your PMP certification will help you improve your project management skills, showcase your expertise in the field, increase your earning potential, and unlock new career growth opportunities.

Join the exclusive PMP Club by enrolling in our course today! We’re here to support you every step of the way, so please don’t hesitate to contact us if you need any assistance with the course or PMP material.

we’re excited to be a part of your journey toward becoming a certified PMP professional. We believe that our comprehensive PMP Exam Simulator will provide you with the tools and resources you need to pass the exam on your first try.

We wish you the best of luck on your exam and look forward to celebrating your success with you as a new member of the PMP Club.

See you in the exam!



150 PMP Test Questions