Meditation to Re-Connect With Yourself

Self-love and acceptance through the power of meditation

What you will learn

Meditations to re-connect with yourself

Tune in to the present moment

Practice mantra meditation

Find your own mantra to support your meditation journey


Feeling a little distant? Find your mind wandering and struggling to stay in the present moment? Over-whelmed with the chaos of modern day life? Maybe it’s time to re-connect…

Self-connection is the process of being in touch with the worthiness and wholeness of your self. The power of shifting the focus to your sense of self is the deep connection of self-love and acceptance. By connecting with your self, you can learn to take loving care of yourself and share that joy and love with others.

My name is Alice, I’m a qualified meditation and yoga teacher and I’ve personally found meditation to be so beneficial as a way to re-connect to myself, and allow my mind to take a step away from the busyness of everyday life.

Meditation has some wonderful benefits for your mental health, including:

– reducing stress

– reducing anxiety

– improving mood

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– improving self-worth and self-acceptance

Each class within this course has a different focus, and you can try the classes in any order depending on how you feel at the time. The first section focuses on meditation practices to help you to re-connect to yourself and how you are feeling in the present moment.

Section two focuses on mantra meditations – a style of meditation where we’ll focus on a specific word or phase to deepen our practice.

There is also a third section which includes ‘2 minute time outs‘ – short soundscapes which you can use to bring your mind into the present moment, when life gets hectic.

If you have any questions, I’m here to help and support you. Simply reach out via message or by using the Q&A section.

Thank you so much for taking this time to prioritise YOU – it is so important.





Self-Connection Meditation

Calm Waves Meditation
Meditation for Self-Love
Morning Meditation for Stress Relief
Meditation to Become More Playful
Planting a Seed of Intention Meditation
Love and Kindness Meditation

Mantra Meditations

Mantra Meditation for Inner Strength
Mantra Meditation for Independence
Calming Mantra Meditation
Personal Mantra Meditation: Choosing Your Mantra
Personal Mantra Meditation (guided)

2 Minute Time Out

Introduction to the 2 Minute Time Out Series
1 Minute Time Out: Campfire
2 Minute Time Out: Steam Train
2 Minute Time Out: Babbling Brook
2 Minute Time Out: Tropical Paradise

Thank you!

Thank you!