Master Course: HR Fundamentals and HR Leadership (101 level)

HR Fundamentals, HR Leadership, Human resources, Human resource management, SHRM, HRP, Human resource development

What you will learn

Understanding the introduction to HR fundamentals and HR leadership

Learning the roles and functions of human resources and HR leaders

Analyze human resource manager’s skills, abilities, and how to develop them

Explainig the strategic planning and performance management by HR

Learn the concepts and steps of what you need to know to be a great HR leader


Master course in HR fundamentals and HR leadership (101 level)

Managing the people in an organization is what Human Resource Management (HRM) does. Human resources management is about hiring and managing employees. An organization’s Human Resources Department handles it.

Human resources management is all about making employees more effective, so the business can be more efficient. Businesses that are more efficient earn more profits with less wasted time and resources. A good HRM improves the direction of the company and lets employees work towards its goals. This purpose won’t change no matter how the business environment changes.

In every organization, human resources play a big role. Outsiders don’t understand HR’s key value proposition, so it has limited impact. Employee development, compliance, and advocating for the organization and employees are some of HR’s strengths.

The most common criticisms of HR teams are that they aren’t strategic enough, they don’t know how to handle finances, they have weak customer focus, or they’re more internally focused than externally oriented. Here’s how HR leaders overcome these obstacles while keeping people’s focus at the forefront.

There are five main topics I’d like to teach in this master’s course;

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1. An introduction to HR fundamentals and HR leadership

2. Roles and functions of human resources and HR leaders

3. A human resource manager’s skills, abilities, and how to develop them

4. Strategic planning and performance management by HR

5. What you need to know to be a great HR leader



Master Course: HR Fundamentals and HR Leadership (101 level) – Lectures

An introduction to HR fundamentals and HR leadership
Roles and functions of human resources and HR leaders
A human resource manager’s skills, abilities, and how to develop them
Strategic planning and performance management by HR
What you need to know to be a great HR leader