Master Budgets – Managerial Accounting/Cost Accounting

Master budget-Components & order of the master budget & examples of each part including budgeted financial statements

What you will learn

Managerial accounting concepts

Budget timing methods

Characteristics and tasks of the budget committee

Order of operations for a master budget

How to construct a sales budget

How to build a production budget

How to make a materials budget

How to construct a direct labor budget

How to build a factory overhead budget

How to make a general and administrative budget

How to put together a cash budget

How to constructed a budgeted cost of goods manufactured statement

How to build a cost of goods sold budget

How to make a budgeted income statement

How to make a budgeted balance sheet


Master budget construction, including demonstration problems, excel worksheets, practice test questions, discussion questions, and a comprehensive problem we work together using Excel in a step by step format.

The course will provide a managerial accounting overview, comparing managerial accounting and financial accounting, and providing essential managerial accounting tools we will need in the budgeting process.

We will discuss methods of budget timing and the pros and cons of each technique.

The course will discuss the characteristics and functions of the budget committee.

We will discuss the components of a master budget and break it out into its parts, listing the order that those components need to be completed in.

The course will discuss how to put together a sales budget and will also walk through a step by step process using preformatted Excel worksheets for learners to follow along with.

We will discuss how to put together a production budget and will also walk through a step by step process using preformatted Excel worksheets for learners to follow along with.

The course will discuss how to put together a materials budget and will also walk through a step by step process using preformatted Excel worksheets for learners to follow along with.

We will discuss how to put together a direct labor budget and will also walk through a step by step process using preformatted Excel worksheets for learners to follow along with.

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The course will discuss how to put together a factory overhead budget and will also walk through a step by step process using preformatted Excel worksheets for learners to follow along with.

We will discuss how to put together a general and administrative budget and will also walk through a step by step process using preformatted Excel worksheets for learners to follow along with.

The course will discuss how to put together a cash budget and will also walk through a step by step process using preformatted Excel worksheets for learners to follow along with.

We will discuss how to put together a budgeted cost of goods manufactured statement and will also walk through a step by step process using preformatted Excel worksheets for learners to follow along with.

The course will discuss how to put together a budgeted cost of goods sold statement and will also walk through a step by step process using preformatted Excel worksheets for learners to follow along with.

We will discuss how to put together a budgeted income statement and will also walk through a step by step process using preformatted Excel worksheets for learners to follow along with.

The course will discuss how to put together a budgeted balance sheet and will also walk through a step by step process using preformatted Excel worksheets for learners to follow along with.

We will also go over a comprehensive problem in Excel so we can see all the components of the master budget and work through them in one place.




PDF – 105 Why Budget
105 Why Budget
PDF – 110 Budget Problems
110 Budget Problems
Multiple Choice 1
Accounting Comic Break

Managerial Accounting Overview

2 Managerial Accounting Overview
PDF – 10 Managerial Accounting Introduction
10 Managerial Accounting Introduction
PDF – 20 Cost Classifications
20 Cost Classifications
PDF – 30 Product Costs & Period Costs.
30 Product Costs & Period Costs.ENCODING
PDF – 40 Prime Costs & Conversion Costs
40 Prime Costs & Conversion Costs
PDF – 50 Manufacturer’s Balance Sheet
50 Manufacturer’s Balance Sheet
PDF – 60 Manufacturer’s Income Statement
60 Manufacturer’s Income Statement
PDF – 70 Manufacturing Activities Flow
70 Manufacturing Activities Flow
PDF – 80 Just In Time (JIT) Manufacturing
80 Just In Time (JIT) Manufacturing
PDF – 90 Job Cost Vs Process Cost
90 Job Cost Vs Process Cost
Multiple Choice 2
Accounting Comic Break

Budget Timing and Budget Committee

3 Budget Timing and Budget Committee
PDF – 115 Budget Timing
115 Budget Timing
PDF – 120 Budget Committee
120 Budget Committee
Accounting Comic Break

Sales Budget, Production Budget, & Materials Budget

4 Sales Budget, Production Budget, & Materials Budget
PDF – 210 Sales Budget, Production Budget, & Materials Budget
210 Sales Budget, Production Budget, & Materials Budget
Excel Worksheet Download
Worksheet – 210 Sales Budget, Production Budget, & Materials Budget
Excel Worksheet Download
Worksheet – 210 Sales Budget, Production Budget, & Materials Budget
Accounting Comic Break

Direct Labor, Factory Overhead, Selling, & General and Administrative Budgets

5 Direct Labor, Factory Overhead, Selling, & General and Administrative Budgets
PDF – 220 Direct Labor, Factory Overhead, Selling, General and Administrative
220 Direct Labor, Factory Overhead, Selling, General and Administrative
Excel Worksheet Download
Worksheet – 220 Direct Labor & Factory Overhead
Excel Worksheet Download
Worksheet – 225 Selling & Administrative Budget
Accounting Comic Break

Cash Budget

6 Cash Budget
PDF – 230 Cash Budget
230 Cash Budget
Excel Worksheet Download
Worksheet – 230 Cash Budget
Accounting Comic Break

Budgeted Cost of Goods Manufactured & Cost of Goods Sold

7 Budgeted Cost of Goods Manufactured & Cost of Goods Sold
PDF – 240 Budgeted Cost of Goods Manufactured & Cost of Goods Sold
240 Budgeted Cost of Goods Manufactured & Cost of Goods Sold
Excel Worksheet Download
Worksheet – 240 Budgeted Cost of Goods Manufactured & Cost of Goods Sold
Accounting Comic Break

Budgeted Income Statement

8 Budgeted Income Statement
PDF – 250 Budgeted Income Statement
250 Budgeted Income Statement
Excel Worksheet Download
Worksheet – 250 Budgeted Income Statement
Accounting Comic Break

Budgeted Balance Sheet

9 Budgeted Balance Sheet
PDF – 260 Budgeted Balance Sheet
260 Budgeted Balance Sheet
Excel Worksheet Download
Worksheet – 260 Budgeted Balance Sheet
Short Calculation Questions
Accounting Comic Break

Verify The Budget

10 Verify The Budget
Excel Worksheet Download
Worksheet – 270 Verify The Budget
Accounting Comic Break

Comprehensive Problem

11 Comprehensive Problem
Excel Worksheet Download
210 Sales Budget, Production Budget, & Materials Budget
215 Materials Budget
220 Direct Labor & Factory Overhead
225 Selling & Administrative Budget
230 Master budget, Cash Budget part 5
240 Budgeted Cost of Goods Manufactured & Cost of Goods Sold
250 Budgeted Income Statement
260 Budgeted Balance Sheet
270 Verify The Budgets
Accounting Comic Break