Marketing Strategy: Communicating Your Message

Marketing Strategy and Public Relations: Learn how to go into a media interview with a clear, crisp 30 second message

What you will learn

Create winning media messages

Formulate talking points

Eliminate fluff from media messages


Marketing Strategy: How to Create Winning Messages

Imagine yourself going into every media interview with the perfect, winning message. Whether it is a feel-good story or a crisis, reporters will feel satisfied that you have delivered a compelling message. And you will know that you communicated exactly what was most important to you.

This “Marketing Strategy: How to Create Winning Messages” course will teach you how to go from 50 or 100 interesting messages down to your three most important messages. The key to mastering media interviews is not necessarily knowing the answer to every question, but having a coherent message thought out in advance of the interview. This course will teach you specifically how to come up with messages that satisfy you, the media and the audience. Specific screens will be used to eliminate bad messages.

Why take the risk of even one more day of delivering mixed messages to the media? Sign up today for this course today.

There is a 100% Money-Back Guarantee for this Marketing Strategy course. And the instructor also provides an enhanced guarantee.

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The trainer has produced more than 100 online courses on Marketing Strategy and has produced more than 10,000 talking head videos himself.

What will students achieve or be able to do after taking thisย Marketing Strategy course?

  • Create winning media messages
  • Formulate talking points
  • Eliminate fluff from media messages

What do Udemy students say about this Marketing Strategy course?

“5 Stars! I love the moment I spent in this course, not just being direct to the point but the fact that it is applicable in the real world maketh it worth.”ย GRACE MGAYA

Here is what Udemy students say about this course:

” I love the moment I spent in this course, not just being direct to the point but the fact that it is applicable in the real world maketh it worth. “ Grace Mgaya



Winning Messages Will Help You accomplish Your Goals

This Basic Building Block of the Interview Will Protect You

Learn the Simplest, Fastest Way of Creating Messages

You Can Simplify Without Being Overly Simplistic
Tricks for Framing Your Message – Communication Skills
All Basic Questions Must Be Answered
Reporters Will Find You Fascinating If You Do This
Exciting New Update to this Course
The Media Audience Will Be Eating Out of Your Hand
Your Media Message Needs to Benefit You – Communication Skills
Three is the Perfect Number of Media Messages
Media Messages using a Venn Diagram
Have a Positive Media Message
Add Quantifiable Results to Your Media Message
What Problem are you solving, Media Message – Communication Skills
Assignment – Create your own Media Message

Testing Messages

Test on Yourself
Test on Others


Time to Give TJ a Piece of Your Mind

Housekeeping Matters

Who is TJ Walker?
If You Like to Learn by Reading
Your Questions Will Be Answered Here, In Video
Update – You Should Get on the TikTok App Now
Here Is How You Can Get your Certificate of Completion for this Course
Bonus Lecture