Living by Faith: Learn the Bible way into the supernatural

Know the basics of Bible faith and plug into it

What you will learn

Why faith is so important

How faith works

How real faith comes

How faith grows

How to live consistently by Faith


Becoming a Christian, living the Christian life and experiencing the benefits of Christianity is tied to a life of faith. Faith is the bridge that links the natural with the supernatural. It is what guarantees man’s access into divinity.

It is the will of God for everyone especially those who believe in Him to experience the supernatural. There are documented stories of people in the Bible and in our day, who experienced supernatural events in their lives;

Dead have been raised to life; sea have been parted; incurable diseases have been cured; hopeless situations have been restored; people have walked on water; giants have been slain with mere stones; the mouth of lions have been stopped; furnace of fire was quenched; and so much more.

One thing that characterized all these supernatural events is faith in God. These people brought the power of God into their situation through faith. It is my believe that you too can experience such supernatural happenings in your life through living a faith life.

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But faith is not just a tool that you need to experience miracles alone, it is what you need to live a successful Christian life – you need faith to walk with God.

The purpose of this course is to show you how to live a life of faith. The expositions in every lesson will help you to be rightly positioned in order to experience God and enjoy divine benefits.

My prayer is that this course will usher you into new and great things in Jesus name. Welcome on board.




Why is faith so important?

What faith is

What is Faith? Part 1
What is Faith? Part 2
Living faith vs dead faith

How real faith comes

How real faith comes Part 1
How real faith comes Part 2

How to Grow your faith

How to grow your faith Part1
How to grow your faith Part 2

How faith works

How faith works Part1
How faith works Part 2
How faith works Part 3

How to live consistently by Faith

How to live consistently by Faith

