Learn Modern JavaScript: Getting Started

JavaScript for Beginners; In Depth Training to truly Learn JavaScript; Gets You Started as a JavaScript Programmer

What you will learn

Understand the strengths and weaknesses of JavaScript.

Write JavaScript code and link it to a web page.

Test JavaScript code using the browser console.

Declare variables and manipulate values.

Work with operators.

Explain coercion and hoisting.

Use the Date and Math object.

Use template strings for displaying output.

Incorporate if conditionals in your code.

Use a switch statement when appropriate.

Understand and apply the while and for loop.

Create an array.

Add and remove elements from an array.

Use array methods.

Create user defined functions.

Create arrow functions.

Explain scope.

Create user defined objects.

Explain prototypal inheritance.

Use the constructor and class structure to create objects.

Explain the DOM.

Select and modify elements from the DOM.

Create event handles to respond to user actions.

Debug your code.

Optimally deploy your JavaScript code.


In Learn Modern JavaScript: Getting Started, you are taught the fundamentals of JavaScript the right way. We won’t skip topics. Some topics may seem more advanced, but that is because they are crucial to a complete grounding of JavaScript. Most importantly, you are taught the why, not just the what and how.

We cover all the necessary topics to get you started on your way to becoming a JavaScript programmer. This course will start with the basics and very quickly begins increasing your knowledge of JavaScript. With all the hands-on exercise, you will get plenty of time to practice.

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JavaScript has changed and matured since its humble beginnings in 1995. One of the original goals of JavaScript in those early years was to make it easy for beginners. That goal has made it accessible for all types of people. However, this has also meant that JavaScript has been taught and learned incompletely by many.

This course contains 12 sections, 115 different topics, over 13 hours of video tutorials, 12 exercises and everything you need for the proper grounding in JavaScript.

If you are ready to jump into the world of JavaScript or you want to increase you new found skills, this course is for you!



Course Introduction

About this Course
HTML and CSS Primer

Introducing JavaScript

Why Learn JavaScript
JavaScript: A Short History
Tools of the Trade
What Makes Good Code?

Lets Get Started Writing Code

Writing Your First JavaScript Code
Working with the JavaScript Console
JavaScript Coding Conventions
Exercise 1

Learn JavaScript Fundamentals

Understanding Types and Values
Learning to Manipulate Values
Working with Variables Part 1
Working with Variables Part 2
Declaring Variables Using let
Creating Constants
Understanding null and undefined
Working with Operators
Understanding Coercion
Understanding Hoisting
Introducing Objects
Working with the Math Object
Working with the Date Object
Using Template Strings
Checking the Start and Ending of a String
Joint Exercise
Exercise 2
Exercise 3

Using Control Structures

Introducing Loops and Conditionals
Working with the if Conditional Part 1
Working with the if Conditional Part 2
Using Comparison Operators
Understanding Truthy and Falsey
Working with String Methods in Conditionals
Using else if Statements
Using the Switch Statement
Conditional Shorthand: The Ternary Operator
Exercise 4
Working with the While Loop
While Loop Example 2
Using the For Loop
For Loop Example 2
Learning Additional Assignment Operators
Including the Break Statement
Understanding DRY Code
Exercise 5
Exercise 6

Working with Arrays

Understanding and Creating Arrays
Adding and Removing Array Elements
Applying Arrays
Looping Through Arrays
Working with Sparse Arrays
Using Array Methods
Converting a String to an Array
Using the Splice Method
Exercise 7

Incorporating Functions

Introducing Functions
Defining Functions
Understanding Function Declarations and Function Expressions
Understanding Arguments and Parameters
Function Example
Using the Return Statement
Understanding Scope Part 1
Understanding Scope Part 2
Understanding Higher Order Functions
Using Arrow Functions
Exercise 8
Exercise 9

Using Objects

Introducing Objects
Creating User Defined Objects
Object Example
Understanding this
Removing Properties with delete
Accessing Properties with [ ]
Understanding How Objects are Passed
Understanding Prototypal Inheritance
Defining the Prototype with Object.create
Using Constructors
Using the Class Structure
Exercise 10 Part 1
Exercise 10 Part 2
Exercise 10 Part 3

Manipulating HTML Pages

Introducing the DOM
Using Developer Tools to Work with the DOM
Understanding the Process for Changing the DOM
Selecting DOM Elements Using Dot Syntax
Selecting DOM Elements by ID, Tag or Class
Using Console.dir
Selecting DOM Elements Using CSS Criteria
Working with Forms
Traversing the DOM
Traversing the DOM in Modern Browsers
Modifying Attributes
Adding Multiple Classes to a Node
Modifying the HTML
Creating New Nodes
Exercise 11
Understanding Events
Event Example Part 1
Event Example Part 2
Using the Event Object
Event Exercise
Exercise 12
Exercise 12 Solution
Introducing jQuery

The Latest JavaScript Features

How Does JavaScript Evolve?
Using ECMAScript 2016
A Modern Note about const and let
ECMAScript 2017: padStart and padEnd
ECMAScript 2019: trimStart and trimEnd

Debugging and Deploying

Using the Console to Debug
Using a Debugger
Using Strict Mode
Using Linting Tools
Deploying JavaScript


What Next?
Bonus Lecture: Additional Resources and Deals!