Learn how to learn by the universe

Mind mappping

What you will learn

The universal language is the math and simple explanations of Fundamentals in math

how to navigate and making a Mind map

Identifying the solutions for cases

Basic formation to the Mind


This course is Inclined to the purpose acquiring. I need to show The life is so simple when you become a person with a aunbreakable knowledge.  In this Course, I am going to extract some special incidents which is in the existences. Those are some common phrases and some uncommon. In this explantions I am glad to teach this methods to improve the life. I will do this using smoothness and also the Rough order magnitude. I think still humanity alives and i want to help people to create the passion as an unbreakable thing.

In the social science we have to make some projections with the positive attributions because negativity give only the bad vibes. When we trying to do the right thing we will clearly reach the destination. As a person with no degree qualifications and some bad vibes holder; i am being the broken one. But i always think the right thing and i beleive what i can to do the society. I think i am a positive attributor with a brave heart. Please join the course and you will definetely feel the power of positivity.

I am willing to continue this course with a spirtual background. Because spirituality never can be defeat. Thank you so much…

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Definitions By spell

Nature and crop Cultivation

Nature and crop cultivation

Creativity and Formation

Creativity and Formation


Life frequencies


Life ship

Power of the Thoughts


Velocity and Acceleration

Power of the Thinking big and good

Limits and Limitless

The Happiness
Method of statistics

