Java to Develop Programming Skills

Java : Complete Java for Beginners . Master skills in Java . Java from scratch to OOP , JDBC , COLLECTION , ENUM etc

What you will learn

Develop Programs fluently in Java | Understand the concepts of Object Oriented Programming | Understand Java Keywords, Expressions, Operators and Statements etc | OOP Classes & Object Inheritance Interface Package Exception Handling Multi-Threading etc


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Step by Step explanation of each topics in Java with easy realistic approach examples . This Java course is aimed at complete beginners and intermediate programmers. No previous programming experience is required . Explanation of Java  program in Flowchart to clear the concept and then implementation of program in Java to better understand . Unique and easy methods to develop programming skills in Java and to understand the Basic concepts of Java topics . Theoretical explanation of OOPS with examples and than implementation of characteristics of OOPS in Java Programs , first each program is explained diagrammatically after that implemented in Java. Easy approach to understand each topics of Java.



Computer Basics required to develop Programming Skills & Java Installation

Computer Basic Concepts required for Programming
Introduction to Java
How to Install Java in Windows 7 and other Operating System
How to Install Java in Windows 10
How to install Eclipse
Tokens in Java
Datatypes in Java
Develop Programming Skills by use of Flowchart Explanation
Explanation of first Program in Java

If Statement , Loop & Explanation of Java Basic Concepts (JDK , JRE , JVM)

Use of Scanner in Java
Explanation of If Statement
Explanation of If Statement Program
Use of If Else If Statement
Use of If else If Statement Java Program
Multiple If Statement
Multiple If Statement Java Program
Responsibility of JDK , JRE and JVM in Java
Java’s Architecture | Explanation with help of diagram
Java’s Architecture | Explanation with help of diagram | continue….
Java’s Architecture Explanation with help of Realistic Approach Example
Difference Between C and Java Language
Nested If
Nested If Java Program
Types of LOOP
Use of Loop
Use of While Loop
Use of For Loop
Use of Loop (2nd Program)
Use of While Loop ( 2nd Program)
Use of For Loop (2nd Program)
Use of Loop (3rd Program)
Use of While Loop (3rd Program)
Use of For Loop (3rd Program)
Loop Program in Flowchart
Loop Program in For Loop
Loop Program in While Loop
Use of Loop (User Choice)
Use of Loop (User Choice)
Loop (User Choice) Continue…
Use Of Loop (User Choice) Continue…
Use of Loop (User Choice)
Loop Program (User Choice in Flowchart)
Loop Program(User choice in For loop)
Loop Program (User Choice in While Loop)

Continuous If Statement , Use of If Statement with Loop , Switch Case ,Operators

Continuous If Statement Program (Continue…)
Continuous If Statement Program in Java (Continue…)
Continuous If Statement Program
Loop within Loop Explanation with help of Flowchart
Loop Within Loop (Continue…)
Loop Within Loop
Loop within Loop Program in Flowchart
Loop within Loop Program in Java
Use of Operators within Program
Use of && Operator Program
Loop with If Statement (Continue…)
Loop with If Statement
Loop with if Statement Program in Flowchart
Loop with If Statement Program in Java
Switch Case
Difference Between Switch Case and If Else
Switch Case Program
Do – While Loop Program

Use of Array | Double Dimension Array | Sorting Programs

What is Array ?
Array 1st Program
Array 2nd Program (continue…)
Array 2nd Program
Array 3rd Program continue…
Array 3rd Program
Array 4th Program Continue…
Array 4th Program
Sorting in Array ( Selection Sort)
Sorting in Array (Selection Sort)
Bubble Sort (Array)
Bubble Sort Program (Array)
String Array
String Array Program
Double Dimension Array (continue…)
Double Dimension Array (Continue…)
Double Dimension Array
Program of Multiplication of Matrices | Explanation with help of Diagram
Program of Multiplication of two matrix

String Array

Sorting of Strings – Selection Sort (Continue…)
Sorting of Strings Program – Selection Sort
Sorting of Strings Program – Bubble Sort ( Continue..)
Bubble Sorting – String Program
Covert String array elements from lowercase to upper case (capital letters)
Position of a particular character in String
Program of counting number of vowels in string
Program to Reverse the charactes of a String Continuee…
Program to Reverse the characters of String by use of function
Porgram to Sort characters in an Array (Continue..).
Program to Sort characters in Array in alphabetical order
Program to Reverse the characters of Array by use of Function
Program to copy characters from one array into another array in reverse order

Use of Method | Passing Arguments In Method | Returning value in Method

Explanation of Method
Method 1st Program continue…
Method 1st Program
Method 2nd Program (Continue…)
Method 2nd Program
Method 3rd Program (continue…)
Method 3rd Program
Method 4th Program (continue…)
Method 4th Program
Method 5th Program (continue…)
Method 5th Program
Method 6th Program (continue…)
Method 6th Program(continue…)
Method 6th Program(continue…)
Method 6th Program
Method 7th Program (continue…)
Method 7th Program (continue…)
Method 7th Program

Explanation of Characteristic of OOP with Realistic Approach Examples

Characteristics of OOP (Continue …)
Characteristics of OOP
Explanation of Object and Class (Continue…)
Explanation of Object and Class
Explanation of Abstraction (Continue….)
Explanation of Abstraction (Continue…)
Explanation o Abstraction (Continue…)
Explanation of Abstraction
Explanation of Encapsulation
Explanation of Encapsulation
Explanation of Inheritance (continue…)
Explanation of Inheritance
Explanation of Polymorphism (continue..)
Explanation of Polymorphism

Programs of Classes and Objects

1st Program of Classes and Objects (continue…)
1st Program of Classes and Object
2nd Program of Class and Objects (Passing Arguments) continue….
2nd Program of Class and Objects (Passing Arguments)
3rd Program of Class and Objects (Passing Arguments) continue…
3rd Program of Class and Objects (Passing Arguments)
4th Program of Class and Objects (Returning value) continue…
4th Program of Class and Objects (Returning value)
5th Program of Class and Objects (Use of String) continue…
5th Program of Class and Objects (Use of String)
6th Program of Class and Objects (Array of Objects)

Constructor | Parameterized Constructor | Multiple Constructor

What is Constructor ?
1st Program of Constructor
2nd Program of Constructor (continue…)
2nd Program of Constructor (continue…)
2nd Program of Constructor
Multiple Constructor (Method Overloading)
Program of Multiple Constructor (Method Overloading) continue..
Program of Multiple Constructor(Method Overloading)
2nd Program of Multiple Constructor (Method Overloading) continue..
2nd Program of Multiple Constructor (Method Overloading)

Use of Static and Non-Static Keywords

Static and Non-Static
Program with use of Static Keyword (continue…)
Program with use of Static Keyword

Abstract Class and Abstract method

Abstract Class and Abstract method Program 1
Why we use Abstract Class and Abstract methods ?
Why to use Abstract Class and Abstract methods Program
Difference Between Abstract Class and Interface

Inheritance | Types of Inheritance | Access Modifiers

Explanation of Inheritance and Access Modifiers
Single Inheritance Program (Continue…)
Program of Single Inheritance
2nd Program of Single Inheritance (continue…)
2nd Program of Single Inheritance
Use of Constructor with Single Inheritance (Super Keyword) continue..
Use of Constructor with Single Inheritance (Super Keyword)
Use of this Keyword (Method Overriding)
Multi-Level Inheritance Program
Hierarchical Inheritance Program

Use of Interface and Package

Interface Program
Program of Package

Exception Handling

Explanation of Exception Handling
Program of Exception Handling

Explanation of Multi-threaded Concept

Explanation of Multi-threaded
Program of Multi-threaded

Managing Input / Output Files in Java

Flow of Data in Java
Byte Stream & Character Stream Classes
Program to Read Characters from File (FileInputStream)
Program to Read Characters from File (FileInputStream) Use of another method
Program to Copy text from one file into another file (continue…)
Program to Copy text from one file into another file (continue…)
Program to Copy text from one file into another file ( use of try and catch)
Program to Copy text from one file into another file (FileReader & FileWriter)
Program to Copy text from one file into another file (Buffered Stream)


What is Database , RDBMS ?
What is SQL and JDBC ?
MySQL Installation Steps
MySql Queries ( Continue…)
MySql Queries
Mysql connection with Java Application – Steps
Mysql Connection Driver
MySql connection with Java Application First Program
MySql Connection with Java Application Second Program
MySql Connection with Java Application ( Third Program)
MySql Connection with Java (Fourth Program)
MySql Connection with Java (Exceptions)
MySql Connection with Java (Fifth Program)
MySql Connection with Java (Sixth Program)
MySql Connection with Java (Seventh Program)
Oracle Installation
Oracle connection with JDBC Program

Wrapper Classes

Wrapper Class
Conversion of Primitive value into Wrapper Object Form
Conversion of Wrapper Object into Primitive form
Use of toString() method


Automatic Type-casting
Explicit Type-casting

Instanceof Operator

Use of Instanceof Operator Program
Use of Instanceof Operator

For – each Loop

Programs of For-each Loop


What is Collection ?
ArrayList First Program
ArrayList Second Program (Use of Generic) continue..
ArrayList Second Program ( Use of Generic)
Use of pre-define methods with ArrayList Program
ArrayList fourth Program
Use of ArrayLIst Constructor
LinkedList Class
Use of LinkedList Constructor
Difference Between ArrayList and LinkedList
Vector Class
Stack Class


What is Enum ?
Enum Progrom
Enum Program ( For Each Loop)


How to Use Annotations -First Program
Annotations – Second Program
Annotations – Third Program

Inner Class

Types of Inner Class
Nested Inner Class
Nested Inner Class ( Use of Local Variables )
Method Local Inner Class
Static Inner Class
Anonymous Inner Class (continue…)
Anonymous Inner Class ( Download almost all topics programs present in zip form)