Java and Object Oriented programming Essential Training

Learn the fundamental concepts of Java and Object oriented programming using a practical examples and lectures

What you will learn

You will learn the fundamentals of programming and programming languages

You will learn the basic of Java nd Object Oriented Programming

Build a deep understanding of the fundamental concepts of Java using practical coding examples

Advanced Object-Oriented Programming: Inheritance, Polymorphism, Abstract classes, Interfaces


Java is one of the most popular programming languages, used for creating desktop, mobile, and web applications.

You should take this course if you want to learn the essential and fundamental concepts of Java and object-oriented programming.

This course is designed for absolute beginners, you don’t need to have a previous programming experience.

In this course you will learn the following fundamental concepts of Java language and object-oriented concepts using the practical examples and lectures.

· An overview of programing and programming languages and Java.

· Interpreter and compiler

· Using the Netbeans IDE for developing Java projects

· Describing different parts of Java project

· Describing the Java code file, main method and comments

· Variables

· Primitive and complex datatypes

· Operators for performing different operations on variables and values, and expressions

· Conditional statements like if, else if and switch

· Loops like while, do while and for loop

· Logical operators and conditional operator

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· Scanner class for data input

· Introduction to Array and processing of it.

· ArrayList class

· Methods

· Objects and classes

· UML class diagram

· Static and instance members

· Visibility modifiers and variable scope

· Data encapsulation

· Inheritance

· Method overloading and overriding

· Polymorphism and dynamic binding

· Abstract class and methods

· Interface

I have used the netbeans IDE for developing Java projects in this course, which is one the most popular IDEs




01 Introduction

02 Introduction to programming and Java language

introduction to programming languages
Introduction to Java

03 Java Setup

Changing the default style of code in a Netbeans
Creating JAVA project and writing JAVA code

04 Variables and Datatypes

Variables for representing data
Numeric Datatypes, operators and casting
Finding the Area of a circle program
Constant in a java
char, String , primitive and complex data types

05 Conditional Statements and loops

Conditional Statements, boolean data type and relational operators
if else statements
Multiple way if else statements
Solution for finding even or odd value
Logical Operators and conditional operator
Scanner class for input data
Switch statement

06 loops

while loop
do while and for loop
Multiplication table using for loop

07 Method in a Java

Method in a JAVA

08 Array

Array Basics
Processing array, and method overloading

09 Classes, Objects and data encapsulation

Objects and classes
Creating a Class for Circle
Testing Circle class and accessing properties and methods of it
Static variables and methods, scope of variables and visibility modifiers
Why we use private modifier and data encapsulation
Using this Keyword

10 Inheritance

super keyword
Constructor Chaining
Method Overriding

11 Polymorphism

Polymorphism, dynamic binding and instanceof operator
more about visibility modifiers and final keyword

12 ArrayList Class

ArrayList class for storing the sequence of objects

13 Abstract class and Interface

Abstract class