Introduction to FMEA (Failure Mode & Effects Analysis)

Learn How To Identify and Mitigate Risks with FMEA Technique

What you will learn

Provides a solid educational foundation for both practitioners and researchers in quality and reliability engineering field.

Ensures high design quality and reliability during the early development stages in order to shorten development times and stay within budget.

Teaches by example using an FMEA case study. At the end of the course is a set of multi-choice questions that help to further enhance FMEA understanding.

Implement correct and proven methods and procedures so that problems can be anticipated and prevented, resulting in safe and trouble-free products and processes

Learn how to create a FMEA worksheet for identifying and mitigating risks in design and processes.


There are many quality and reliability tools available to corporations, but the one that shows up consistently in a company after company is Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA). This course covers the common types of FMEAs – System FMEAs, Design FMEAs, and Process FMEAs. This course is an ideal source for academic curricula, as well as for applications in industry. In addition, this course covers:

  • The basics of FMEA and risk assessment
  • How to apply key factors for an effective FMEA and prevent the most common errors
  • Implementing a “best practice” FMEA process

Everyone wants to support the accomplishment of safe and trouble-free products and processes while generating happy and loyal customers. This course will show how to use FMEA to anticipate and prevent problems, reduce costs, shorten product development times, and achieve safe and highly reliable products and processes.

In this course, we touch upon the following topics:

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  • Need for FMEA
  • What is FMEA?
  • What is FMEA used for?
  • Types of FMEA
  • FMEA Worksheet – Template
  • FMEA Worksheet – Example
  • FMEA Best Practices
  • Benefits of Good FMEA
  • FMEA vs Testing
  • Exercise – Q&A
  • Summary

This course is unique with an exercise at the end. There are 10 multiple-choice questions. This will help to further enhance your understanding of FMEA.

Good luck!



Introduction to FMEA

Introduction and Agenda
Need for FMEA
The Factor of 10 Rule
What is FMEA
What is FMEA Used For
FMEA Shifts Problem
Types of FMEA
FMEA Worksheet Explanation
Severity, Occurrence and Detection Scales
FMEA Process
FMEA Best Practices
Benefits of Good FMEA
FMEA vs Testing
FMEA Exercises