How to stop sabotaging your wealth

Free yourself to make and grow your wealth.

What you will learn

Take this course if you have issues around money that stop you from living your best life.

If you always fell like there is not enough no matter how much you have.

If no matter how much you have you feel unhappy or uncomfortable spending it.

If you feel like you are blocking your ability to earn to your potential.

If you feel unsettled or unsafe in relation to spending money, not having enough, what saving it

If you over spend and can’t save for a rainy day.

If you are holding on too tightly and can’t make your money work for you.

If any aspect of money makes you feel less free, more stuck or more unhappy in your life


So you think you may be sabotaging yourself around money? You probably are!

If earning, saving or spending money feels uncomfortable, scary,  or difficult for you, there are definitely some sabotages in place around money.

Sabotage programs, and the belief systems that underpin them, are created so subtlety, starting from when we are very young, and we often have no idea that we have them. As hidden as they are, they are dictating our thoughts and behaviors, so powerfully, that they run, and sometimes ruin, our lives. Sabotages around money some of the most common.

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The solution is not in doing battle with ourselves to do better, or feel better, or react differently, it lies in identifying those beliefs and programs that are creating the experience we are getting, so that we are free to create the experience we want. When we remove these sabotages, the way we feel, think, and behave in relation to money changes immediately.

This course is designed to help you to do just that. It allow you to understand and identify when you have a sabotage, help you to find your sabotages with an easy methodology, and a list of possible sabotages to help to get you going, and teach you an easy to achieve, incredibly effective, scientifically proven method of reprogramming those sabotages.
Ease with money flows naturally from there.




How do you know if you have sabotaging programs running?
Why and how do you create sabotage programs
What happens physically with a sabotage
How easily and unconsciously we create sabotages


Reprogramming methodologies
Emotional freedom technique

Identify your sabotages

How to identify your sabotages
Categories to help you find your sabotages
Defining moments
Other ways to test for your sabotages

Conclusion and where to from here

Conclusion and where to from here
Whoops, bloopers