How to stop sabotaging your happiness

And become free to live your best life.

What you will learn

Discovery how sabotage programs have been undermining your happiness

Find out how these sabotages have been blocking you from getting the happiness you want

Learn about how and why sabotage programs have been developed and how they make it impossible for you to change your behavior while you have them.

Learn how to easily identify your own personal sabotage programs, with plenty of examples to help you.

Learn a powerful, fast technique to reprogram your entire mind body system to eliminate your sabotages and free yourself to live your best life


So you think you may be sabotaging your happiness?

When you want something, but, no matter how what you do to try to achieve it you keep getting the opposite, that is a pretty good sign that you are running a sabotage program.  Sabotage programs and the belief systems that underpin them are created so subtlety, starting from when we are very young, we often have no idea that we have them.  As hidden as they are, they are dictating our thoughts and behaviors, so powerfully, that they run and sometimes ruin our lives.

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The secret to happiness may surprise you, it does not lie in the outside-in experience of your life, the people or the circumstances. It cannot be created by being more or doing more. The secret is to discover those beliefs and programs that are blocking you from accessing the potential for happiness that always lies within. When we remove these obstacles, the way you experience and behave in the world changes automatically.

This course is designed to help you to do just that. It allow you to understand and identify when you have a sabotage, help you to find your sabotages with an easy methodology and a list of possible sabotages to help to get you going, and offer you an easy to achieve and incredibly effective, scientifically proven method of reprogramming those sabotages.
As you rid yourself of sabotages and the beliefs that shape your experience of life, you will find that happiness simply starts to become your more regular way of being, without you having to do anything specific to create it.




How do you know if you are sabotaging your happiness?
Why and how do we create sabotaging beliefs
What happens physically when you are sabotaging yourself
How easily and unconsciously we create a sabotage program

Reprogramming Sabotaging Beliefs

Reprogramming methodologies
Emotional Freedom Technique (Tapping)
How to identify sabotages
Defining Moments
Some categories to help you find your sabotages
Other ways to test if something is a sabotage program


Conclusion and where to from here
Whoops, bloopers