Build an online brand from scratch and get paid to travel the world Full Time
What you will learn
Build a Travel related social media brand from scratch
Get FREE accommodation all around the world
Make money while on the road to fund your travels!
Get paid to travel Full Time
Get Sponsors to pay your trips
Practical Strategies, Techniques and Methods to get free stuff
Setup Social Media Outlets with Real Life Examples
About ourselves : Paid to Travel
Would you like to be able to Get Paid to Travel The World and make money online in 2023?
Traveling around the world usually costs a lot of cash. Unless you know how to get people to give you free stuff or pay you to travel and live a dream lifestyle…
In the last years we have helped over 4000 Travel Lovers to fulfill their dreams. We met several of our students during our adventures and we keep following their Travel adventures through their amazing Instagram. It’s your turn to learn how to get paid to travel the world and make money online and on the road
So… How do you do it?
We figured out a way to grow an online brand and presence and approach companies and travel agencies in a way that they want to give us their services for FREE !
Besides getting free stuff and sponsored trips, we also work online and make a full time income from our online businesses and after this course you will understand you can do the same.
Over the last couple of years we’ve spent hundreds of hours experimenting and optimizing to create this unique concept…
We’ve packed everything we’ve learned along the way into this course, including a proven system for approaching sponsors and companies to get what you want for free so you can travel Full Time.
We have been traveling Full Time for the last 5 years and with the power of Social Media and our skills we are able to monetize and pay our trips or get sponsors to pay everything for us.
From five star hotels, flights, fancy restaurants to press trips. You name it. It’s all possible with the right mindset and the tools we provide in this course.
We’ll also give you a baseline understanding of the most effective social media practices that are applicable on any platform and how to use them in your benefit.
Click the “take this course” button straight away at the top right of this page to unlock the power of traveling the world for FREE.
Getting Started – Course Introduction
What do I need?
Planning for Success
Social Media – Like a Pro
Grow your Social Media : Get Paid
Partnerships and Sponsors
Monetizing your Brand
BONUS: How we got 7000 Euros in Freebies
Interview with a successful Full time Travel Blogger