How to Create Passive income through outsourcing

Tools and processes to find and hire the best remote workers to do your work for you.

What you will learn

Platforms To hire Virtual Assistants

How to pick the best candidates for the task/job

How to Manage the assistant using tools

how to hire a second person to facilitate/manage to keep accountability and create complete passive income


This course will go in-depth about making passive income using remote workers daily. It is the simple method that the wealthy have been using for years. Hiring someone at a lower rate than you charge and taking the overhead as income.

Starting the Journey can seem complicated, but the video’s simplicity will put you on the right steps to hiring your first remote worker, training them, and monitoring them to create continuous scaleable wealth for the long term.

The first hire step will be finding the right job boards to search for virtual assistants; this task is very important as if you go to some of the wrong ones, you may pay double or triple for the same work.

The Second Step is to Create the perfect posting to get qualified Virtual assistants .

The Third step in the process will be to correctly message them to weed out the non-serious or the people that are not willing to be dedicated to the job.

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The Fourth step will be to take them onto a separate messaging platform and send them the appropriate training, as we show in the video.

The fifth step will be to appropriately manage Va with the proper software.

The optional sixth step will be to hand that Va off to a facilitator to make it completely passive.

The seventh Step will be to pay Va and set up payroll.

We will show 4 ways that you can make money with a virtual assistant that can be potentially completely passive. The sky is the limit, and once you learn the foundation, you can use your current skills to scale in any business.




The Different Skills You will learn in this course

Posting Onto Philippine Job Boards

Different Job Boards Overview
Start to finish Creating the Job Post
What to expect from Job postings

The Vetting Process

The Initial Message
Best way to blast messages
explaining the different types of hiring systems

Training Effectively

Explaining the Start of the training process
Screen Recording for training
How to Generate a link to send to your virtual assistant
Other Tools to train VA’s More intensively
Explaining the Training section, and getting ready for the (HOW TO MAKE MONEY)

How to make money With Virtual Assistants – Tools Used to monitor performance

Going Over Hubstaff
4 ways to make money with VA’s
Philippine culture
Brief Summary of the 4 ways to make money