Freelancing with SmartPhone 3D Text Graphic Design

Freelance using Smart Phone 3D Text Graphic Design Skills : Freelancing with SmartPhone Graphic Design

What you will learn

Learn from the basics to advanced of SmartPhone 3D Text Design

Learn the concept of 3D Text Designing with Practicals

Learn the concept of 3D text effects rendering

Introduction to Freelancing

Why is Freelancing Important?

Setting up your Freelancing account with Fiverr


Unlock the potential of your smartphone and delve into the captivating world of 3D text graphic design with our comprehensive Udemy course. Whether you’re an aspiring freelancer or a seasoned graphic designer looking to expand your skill set, this course is tailored to elevate your capabilities and empower you to thrive in the competitive freelance market.

In this course, you’ll embark on a transformative journey, learning the ins and outs of creating stunning 3D text graphics directly from your smartphone. No expensive software or complicated setups are required – just your trusty smartphone and a desire to excel in the digital design realm.

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Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll master:

  1. Fundamentals of 3D Text Design: Lay a solid foundation as you explore the core principles and techniques of 3D text graphic design. From typography basics to understanding depth and perspective, you’ll grasp the essentials with ease.
  2. Harnessing Smartphone Tools: Unleash the full potential of your smartphone as a powerful design tool. Learn to leverage cutting-edge apps and features to craft professional-grade 3D text graphics anytime, anywhere.
  3. Creating Jaw-Dropping Designs: Dive into the creative process as you discover how to conceptualize, design, and refine captivating 3D text graphics that command attention and leave a lasting impression.
  4. Optimizing for Freelancing Success: Gain valuable insights into the freelancing landscape and learn how to position yourself as a sought-after 3D text graphic designer. From pricing strategies to client communication tips, you’ll acquire the knowledge needed to thrive as a freelancer.
  5. Building Your Portfolio: Showcase your newfound skills with confidence as you assemble a stunning portfolio that highlights your expertise and creativity. Learn effective portfolio presentation techniques that attract clients and opportunities.
  6. Monetizing Your Skills: Turn your passion for 3D text graphic design into a lucrative freelance career. Explore various monetization avenues, including freelancing platforms, client partnerships, and passive income streams.
  7. Continuous Learning and Growth: Stay ahead of the curve with ongoing learning resources, industry insights, and expert tips to fuel your growth as a 3D text graphic design freelancer.

Whether you dream of freelancing full-time or want to enhance your design prowess, this course equips you with the knowledge, tools, and confidence to succeed. Join us today and embark on a rewarding journey towards mastering 3D text graphic design with your smartphone as your ultimate ally. Enroll now and unlock your creative potential!




Introduction and Expectations
Getting Ready to Learn

The Concept of Color Theory

What is Color?
The three Basic Categories of Colors
The concept of Color combination
Combination of Color through Color Gradient
Types or Directions of Gradient Positioning

The Concept of Fonts

What are Fonts in general?
Four (4) Most Important Classification of Fonts
Understanding Font Pairing

Design Interface Tools Explained (Advanced)

Exploring the Design Interface and Getting Familiar with it
General Tools and Uses
1. Default/Saved Projects Tool
2. Text Tool
3. Shape Tool
4. Background Tool
5. Background Effects Tool

3D Elements Explained (Advanced)

Introduction to 3D Elements
1. Emboss Element
2. Perspective Element
3. 3D Rotate Element
4. 3D Text Element
5. 3D Shadow Element
Adding 3D Elements the proper way
Advanced rendering with 3D Elements

Rendering Final Design Works

Mistakes to Avoid when rendering your Final Design
How to render for Personal, Social, and Print Ready

3D Text Design Guided Project Works

Food Era – 3D Text Design
Cloudy Atmosphere – 3D Text Design
Golden 3D Design – 3D Text Design

Fiverr Freelancing Guide [Fiverr Basics]

What is Freelancing?
Introduction to Fiverr Website and How it Works
Niche Identification Process
Niching Down
Identifying Your Niche
Developing Self Confidence against all Odds

Fiverr Intermediate

Account Creation
Adding the Necessary Details
Mistakes to Avoid
Optimising Your Fiverr Profile

Fiverr Advanced

Gig Creation
Marketing Strategies
Gig Favourite System
Fiverr Algorithm
About Orders and its Fulfillments
Fiverr Revenue Share
Fiverr Withdrawal Process

Becoming a Successful Fiverr Freelancer, Tips and Tricks

Improve your Fiverr Profile
Be flexible with Customer / Clients
Strategically avoid getting into conflict with clients
Do not give out your personal information at any cost

Fiverr SEO: How to make your Gig Rank Higher

Fiverr SEO Overview
Getting the right Keywords for your Gig
SEO with Chrome extension
How to Use Fiverr Mate Extension