Free Liberty From Atheism:

Christian Argument for Liberty

What you will learn

Know What Libertarianism is

Understanding the relationship of faith and politics

See the difference between Libertarianism and Libertinism

Think through the worldview behind libertarianism


Too many Christians think that libertarianism and Christianity are incompatible. They assume that to be a libertarian means to be a licentious libertine, immoral person. The CEO and Founder of Labor for Truth, Tim Bankes II, systematically debunks the misconceptions and misinformation around the values of liberty. He shows that the true logical foundation of liberty is not the subjective moral stance of skeptic libertine atheism but instead the objective moral standard of Christianity. He actually shows that without Christianity our values and civil rights as citizens have no grounds and could easily be done away with, which explains why the atheist nations of the 20th century did not respect these rights and killed millions under the oppressive totalitarian systems of communism.

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Growing up in America made me think that I was as free as anyone could be. I ran into libertarianism and that changed everything. Do you want to find out the truth about freedom? The truth about why being free is the most important thing in the world. This book will offer an angle for all sides of the political spectrum. It will open your eyes to a new way, a completely separate way of thinking about how we can solve our problems. Most people who really open themselves up to these ideas find themselves having a conversion-like experience.

Be sure to keep an eye out for other books in this series. Tim plans on doing many books on this subject.



Free Liberty From Atheism Full Course

Libertarianism Biggest Misconception PT 1
Christian Stigma Toward Libertarianism PT 2
Christian Conservativism vs Christian Libertarianism PT 3
Libertarianism vs Libertinism PT 4
Thick Libertarianism vs Thin Libertarianism PT 5
God Restrains His Own Coercion Against Mankind PT 6