[FREE] Learn Coding Basics for Ethical Hacking

Start your infosecurity career here. Learn how to code to discover bugs and vulnerabilities in business software

What you will learn

Learn about the career opportunities in ethical hacking.

Learn the basics of 3 back-end languages: Python, C++, Java.

Hands on Programming Lessons for each language.

For each language, learn its data structure, algorithms, and functional libraries.


Start from the scratch

If you’re new to tech stuff like development, this is the best place to start. The course will introduce you to programming:

  • Career opportunities
  • Learning path
  • Additional resources

Learn back-end languages for bug hunting

The course teaches the basics of 3 back-end languages:

  1. Python
  2. C++
  3. Java

Each language lesson explores 4 aspects:

  • Language overview
  • Syntaxes
  • Data structures & algorithms
  • Functional libraries

Learn front-end languages for bug hunting

The course teaches the basics of 4 front-end languages:

  1. JavaScript
  2. HTML
  3. CSS
  4. React

Similarly to the back-end language lesson structure, the front-end languages are covered by 4 aspects too:

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  • Language overview
  • Syntaxes
  • Data structures & algorithms
  • Functional libraries

Next ethical hacking courses

This is the first course in our 5-part series. Once you’ve completed this course, you’ll be able to start the course on ethical hacking. From there on, you can learn about blockchain and smart contracts to get into web3 industry.

Extra Notes

Once you have a solid foundation in programming, the bug-hunting career path offers courses that specifically focus on discovering vulnerabilities in software. These courses cover topics such as web application security, network security, and mobile application security.

As you progress through the bug-hunting career path, there are additional resources available to help you refine your skills and stay up-to-date on the latest trends in vulnerability discovery. These resources include online forums, blogs, and newsletters that provide information about emerging threats and vulnerabilities.

If you’re interested in specializing in back-end vulnerability discovery, the bug-hunting career path offers courses that teach the basics of Python, C++, and Java. Each language lesson explores language overview, syntaxes, data structures & algorithms, and functional libraries to help you understand how to identify vulnerabilities in code.

Similarly, the bug-hunting career path offers courses for front-end vulnerability discovery that teach the basics of JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and React. These courses also cover language overview, syntaxes, data structures & algorithms, and functional libraries to help you identify vulnerabilities in web applications.

Overall, the bug-hunting career path offers a comprehensive learning path for individuals interested in discovering vulnerabilities in software. With a solid foundation in programming and specialized courses in vulnerability discovery, you’ll be equipped to pursue a career in this exciting and important field.



Introduction to programming


Back-end languages : Python

Python Hands on Programming
Python Hands on Programming
Python Hands on Programming
Python Hands on Programming

Back-end Language: C++

C++ Hands on Programming
C++ Hands On Programming
C++ Hands On Programming
C++ Hands on Programming
C++ Hands on Programming
C++ Hands on Programming

Back-end Languages: Java

Java Basics
Java Hands on Programming
Java Hands on Programming
Java Hands on Programming
Java Hands on Programming
Java Hands on Programming
Java Hands on Programming
Java Hands on Programming

Module Assessments

Comprehension Quiz
Introduction to Programming