Five Practical Must-Know Java SE 17 Features

Learn about new practical features in Java SE 17 and start implementing them today

What you will learn

Local variable type inference (LVTI)

Text blocks

Switch expressions

Sealed Classes



This short course covers five practical new features which are available in Java SE 17. If you are already familiar with Java, this course will allow you to extend your knowledge and practical skills, and prepare you to start applying these new features immediately.

In this course you will learn about:

  • Local variable type inference (LVTI)
  • Text blocks
  • Switch expressions
  • Sealed Classes
  • Records

All topics are explained in an easy and straightforward manner, with enough practical examples to get you started using new Java 17 features.

I encourage you to try out all the examples given in the course, and also to play around with the code to further explore the possibilities of new Java features. You can do this on your local computer by downloading JDK 17 from Oracle or OpenJDK and using your favorite IDE (I recommend IntelliJ, but Eclipse or NetBeans will do the job as well).

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Even quicker option is to use online compilers. My favorites are JDoodle and OneCompiler. This is the fastest way to try out small pieces of code.

My name is Luka Popov and I’ll be your instructor for this course. I am fully certified Java Developer (Oracle Certified Associate: Java SE 8 Programmer, Oracle Certified Professional: Java SE 17 Developer), with PhD in theoretical physics. I have 10+ years of teaching experience on university level, and 5+ years as a professional software developer. Currently I work as a senior Java developer in a telecom company.

Have a nice learning and don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions.





Local Variable Type Inferrence (LVTI)

Local variable type inference (LVTI)

Text Blocks

Text blocks

Switch expressions

Switch expressions

Sealed Classes

Sealed Classes



