Financial Education: Towards Financial Freedom and Beyond

Manage Personal Finance and achieve Financial Freedom for more Money, Time & Happiness (incl. ChatGPT example)

What you will learn

Learn how to reach Financial Freedom

Learn how to save more Money

Learn how to invest in the Stock Market

Learn how to invest in Real Estate

Learn how to start your own Business


“If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die.”

This qoute from legendary investor Warren Buffett shows impressively, how important it is to build passive streams of income and why Financial Freedom should be the overall goal of personal finance.

In this online course, you will get an overview about what it needs to reach Financial Freedom. Our aim is to be as realistic as possible and don’t promise you things that are unlikely to happen.

At first we describe the normal way of living for most people and explain why saving is the fundament of financial freedom.

Afterwards we introduce you to several proven investing strategies for the stock market and also show you the most common investing strategy for real estate.

Besides these investments, you will learn how to start your own business and build passive income without having a high capital requirement.

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At the end, we define the point of reaching financial freedom and propose some ideas how to continue from there onwards.

To have the best learning experience, we do not only offer short and precise video lessons, but also practical application examples and common mistakes that you should avoid.

Overall we hope you will enjoy watching it and that you can apply everything successfully.

Best regards,


Founder and CEO of VIA Financial Education UG (haftungsbeschränkt)



The Start of your Journey

1.1 Filling your Container
1.2 Levels of Financial Freedom
1.3 Is a Millionaire financially free?
1.4 Be Realistic
1.5 Have a Vision
1.6 Starting conditions

The Normal Way of Living

2.1 Education, School and University
2.2 Job and Career
2.3 Paychecks and Life costs
2.4 Debt
2.5 Why so many people do it
2.6 Why it is not desirable
Practical Application of Chapter 2

Financial Education is the Key

3.1 The Power of Knowledge
3.2 Why you need Financial Education
3.3 The Reputation of Money
3.4 Can Money make you happy?

4. Saving over Consumption

4.1 Hedonism and Social Pressure
4.2 Healthy spending habits
4.3 Budgeting and tracking Expenses
4.4 Savings Rate
4.5 Not increasing Expenses with Income
4.6 Frugalism
4.7 Assess your Net Worth
Practical Application of Chapter 4
Bonus: Top 5 Mistakes at Saving

5. Stock Market Investing

5.1 The risks of Investing
5.2 The risks of not Investing
5.3 Be your own advisor
5.4 Long-term approach
5.5 Compounded interest
5.6 Active or passive Investing
5.7 Value Investing
5.8 Quality Investing
5.9 Dividend Investing
5.10 Growth Investing
5.11 Counter-cyclical Investing
Practical Application of Chapter 5
Bonus: Top 5 Mistakes at Stock Market Investing

6. Real Estate Investing

6.1 Real Estate Investing Strategy
6.2 The Real Estate Cycle
6.3 Return and p/e ratio
6.4 Selection of the Location
6.5 Selection of the Object
6.6 Financing
6.7 Administration
Practical Application of Chapter 6
Bonus: Top 5 Mistakes at Real Estate Investing

7. Businesses – The Money Machines

7.1 How to use Capitalism
7.2 From Passion to Profession
7.3 Physical vs. Digital Products
7.4 Innovative Business Models
7.5 Building a Moat
7.6 Marketing Strategy
7.7 Founding your Business
Practical Application of Chapter 7
Bonus: Top 5 Mistakes in Business

8. Reaching Financial Freedom

8.1 Fulfilling your own Requirements
8.2 Pulling the Trigger
8.3 Setbacks and Re-entry
Practical Application of Chapter 8

9. Beyond Financial Freedom

9.1 Continue Building Wealth
9.2 Enjoy your Freedom
9.3 Search your Sense of Life
9.4 Make an Impact on this World